stuff of nightmares and nurgle diseases

By jack_px, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

so i want to ask something about this, if you have the mark of nurgle then you will have the stuff of nightmares trait, this would mean that you cant be affected by a disease of nurgle?, could you be infected with a diseases so you could infect other people???, how would you handle this?

the thing is, i have a character dedicated to nurgle who want to become infected with some diseases of nurgle so he can infect that way other people, but he has stuff of nightmares, so we dont really know if he could become infected, not suffer the effect of the disease but could infect other people xD.

thanks in advance

Nurgle followers can carry most diseases without suffering the consequences while still being host to spread them.

Then you would let someone with the stuff of nightmares trait, become a host of a disease??

If he is aligned to or has the Mark of Nurgle, this would seem fair.


He/she would simply be the carrier/catalyst for the plague.

Hi. As the Mark of Nurgle says GM could grant other traits from the Mark. It could be a way to aquire a disease. Also one of the most iconic disease, the Nurgle's Rot can be granted as a Reward of Nurgle.

Edited by Athanatosz

Not exactly mark of nurgle but here is the text from the plague marine:

The numerous parasites
and virulent diseases that eat away at a Plague Marine’s
armour and liquefy his diseased flesh also make him
unnaturally resistant to harm. A Plague Marine never
suffers Damage or other negative effects from Diseases,
poisons, or the Toxic Quality unless he chooses to
suffer these effects (although he can still be infected
by Diseases as normal, and can spread them to others).