An Open Letter to Mansions of Madness

By DeepOneRisen, in Mansions of Madness

Dear Mansions of Madness,

You are wonderful! Flawed and difficult, but wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!

I must admit that before last night it had been quite some time since we played together, but you reminded me why you hold a prominent place on my shelf and have made a well deserved dent in my wallet. Due to time, scheduling, and a plethora of other games, you have unfortunately taken a backseat in my life, and last night helped me understand that the backseat is no place for you. Despite losing to a group of investigators who traveled through time and space, I still enjoyed every second of our time together. There's just something so **** enjoyable witnessing the hunt, investigators moving from clue to clue, working through various puzzles, and waiting, waiting for that perfect moment to toss the well placed, well time proverbial wrench into the schemes of meddling investigators only to be thwarted by a lucky dice roll in their favor. You truly are an enjoyable and horrifying game! Thank you!


A Re-devoted Cultist

PS, If you would somehow paint my miniatures for me, that would be greatly appreciated. I have neither the time nor talent for such things and when I see others I get insanely envious!