Eldar Question

By MijRai, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

It's something I'm trying to find out, but I am having no luck.

What is Craftworld Miandrothe's colour scheme? I have a couple Eldar figures (Guardians) lying around I want to paint up with their colors for my game, but that is difficult when they never describe it.

Is it the blue and white scheme at the bottom of page 412? That doesn't look like Dire Avenger armor or patterns (no helmet crest, for starters)...

I'd say just pick colors that you like/think eldar would use.

Their color scheme is the one the Guardians on page 412 (and Warlock on page 379) are using, but of course feel free to invent new ones!

I'll have to post up the model we used as the color guide sometime.
