I have trouble with the Breaching Augur. Specifically, I keep trying to visualise it - or imagine its use as a weapon -, but to no avail. By its description, it seems to be an unholy cross between a tunnelling shield and a comical cone-shaped drill from a Saturday morning cartoon, strapped to a Marine's chest on a harness. I might be wrong, but it looks like four other marines need to hold the victim down (or a major industrial accident need to happen) for it to realistically hurt someone. Right now my players are firmly discouraged from bringing a piece of heavy mining equipment stolen from **** Dastardly's car to a hand-to-hand battle and expect it to work like a proper weapon, but sooner or later the siren song of those stats will get to them, and they will read the line in the description, where it says it can be implanted "as a cybernetic limb on a wounded Battle-Brother". So I have a few questions: Isn't "augur" normally a scanner in 40k? Does anyone have a picture? Is it a tabletop equipment option? Is it mentioned anywhere outside DW? What the heck is this thing?
Edit: Censorbot needs to learn the names of memorable cartoon antagonists.
Edited by musungu