Is only war dead?

By felismachina, in Only War

I don't see much traffic on this forum from some time. I also noticed that ffg focused on Star wars rpg. Looks like only war line is dead. I'm not sure about others 40k lines but beside dark heresy looks like nothing new is coming out.

Do you still play this game or like most people, moved on? I don't see many players interested in this system anymore. Is it because people got bored or lack of new content from ffg ?

I think that the only rpg that FFG really focuses on is the Star Wars line at this point. I'm not sure how much traction the end of the world book line is doing for them.

I'm not sure about others 40k lines but beside dark heresy looks like nothing new is coming out.

They just released Enemies Without and announced Enemies Beyond.

As for Only War, I don't think a game like this can ever truly be "dead". It may not see new supplements, but there will always be people who enjoy playing it, and those who enjoy creating houseruled stuff for others to use.

Edited by Lynata

I'm not sure about others 40k lines but beside dark heresy looks like nothing new is coming out.

They just released Enemies Without and announced Enemies Beyond.

As for Only War, I don't think a game like this can ever truly be "dead". It may not see new supplements, but there will always be people who enjoy playing it, and those who enjoy creating houseruled stuff for others to use.

Like I said, beside Dark Heresy :)

I was wondering if they plan to continue other lines or make second edition of them.

Of course there will be always some players who play a game. I know some people who still play warhammer fantasy 1st edition.

I was thinking about some developer support, some new books, some traffic on forums. Right now almost every Only war forum out there is dead. While when i go on other games forums they are full of people. It looks like players lost interest in this game. Maybe it's because hype on star wars or that 40k is not so popular or at least only war. A year ago this forum and other like this was more crowded, it was always less people than on other 40k games but now it's so empty.

While I think there are dedicated Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy communities, the people who were posting here and playing Only War often were in all likelihood just taking a break from those other, more established lines to try playing Only War. So OW quit being the "new kid" once DH2.0 was published, and people probably switched over to playing that.

I consider OW to be a decent RPG in and of itself, not to mention a great starting point for people who are new to RPGs or the world of WH40k. The Imperial Guard is thematically very similar to the armed forces of WWII (but in space with Catholic space Nazis) and the concept of a chain of command, mission based structure is easy to role play.

My group adapted to it very well, and for some of my friends, has been a starting point for getting into other parts of the lore. We have been playing OW for two years now and are only beginning to plan a DH2 campaign in the next couple of months.

So while it really isn't supported by FFG anymore (not that I blame them, Star Wars is a much more lucrative IP than 40k) and there isn't much activity on the forum, it is still a game being played - at least at my table!

Like I said, beside Dark Heresy :)

Misread that, apologies!

Still, I wouldn't worry. Every RPG has its peak and its winter, but that should not mean much for you and your players. Indeed, it could be argued that there is such a thing as "too much developer support" -- when a product line has dozens of books people have to buy, it serves as a great disincentive against getting into it.

Not that I don't think that there is still some stuff that could be covered (*coughvalkyriescough*). For better or worse, FFG has chosen to cover a lot of other , less important stuff instead, either forgetting or possibly thinking they'd release more books later on, thus having an incentive to stretch out the content. But still, that's where the fans come in.

I consider OW to be a decent RPG in and of itself, not to mention a great starting point for people who are new to RPGs or the world of WH40k.

Not to mention that I consider the ruleset to be easily adaptable to a wide variety of other settings. Someone just did a very cool "Aliens" conversion, and that's just one of many examples! The regimental backgrounds and classes are so general that they're incredibly easy to work into other worlds.

I consider OW to be a decent RPG in and of itself, not to mention a great starting point for people who are new to RPGs or the world of WH40k.

Sure rules are pretty easy but i think any 40k rpg in general are hard for players. Due to the fact that it have specific fluff and if you want to play it with keeping true to the fluff it can be really hard for new players. Especially if wrong word at a wrong time can result in your head shot by a commisar.

Of course it can be played just like normal war campaing but that's not my (or my players) style.

Other system like star wars for example are easier for new rpg players. You don;t need ridiculous ammount of lore to stay true to the fluff.

Just my 2 thrones :D

Not that I don't think that there is still some stuff that could be covered (*coughvalkyriescough*). For better or worse, FFG has chosen to cover a lot of other , less important stuff instead, either forgetting or possibly thinking they'd release more books later on, thus having an incentive to stretch out the content. But still, that's where the fans come in.

I got feeling that they planed third supplement but only war was not so popular like other 40k lines so they abandoned it. We still don't have any detailed rules how to run a tank campaing which is totally different than running infantry or like you mentioned valkyries and so othe important stuff. As much as i like house rules some players can only accept holy word from official books.

I would really like to GM again only war but looks like even my players lost some interest due to the lack of anything new and star wars hype. Now they rather play edge of empire.

You don;t need ridiculous ammount of lore to stay true to the fluff.

"True fluff" in 40k sounds like an oxymoron anyways. :P

You don;t need ridiculous ammount of lore to stay true to the fluff.

"True fluff" in 40k sounds like an oxymoron anyways. :P

Yeah. I think that 40K can be fine without knowing a ton. It's mostly the spirit of the thing that might be hard for people - I know that my group gets pretty ridiculous with Star Wars sometimes, in a way that just wouldn't fit with 40K.

Personally, I hope that we see at least one more supplement for Only War. There are a few things I'd like to have official rules for...

Yeah, we're still short one book for OW, the Specialist splatbook.

FFG has for better or worse moved on to DH2. OW as it stands works for role playing a squad of infantry Guardsmen - so deviating from that means houseruling to whatever degree necessary.

When I said it was a good starting point into RPGs and 40k, I meant 40k RPGs and the 40k lore. The chain of command, operational strategies, and even commissars are all rooted in military organization from WWI and WWII, so it isn't a stretch for newbies. Since character creation is more straightforward (i.e. less choices to make) and combat is the name of the game, it makes a good starting point before getting into the relative complexity of running a space empire in RT or investigating heresies and xenos in DH.

I don't see much traffic on this forum from some time. I also noticed that ffg focused on Star wars rpg. Looks like only war line is dead. I'm not sure about others 40k lines but beside dark heresy looks like nothing new is coming out.

Do you still play this game or like most people, moved on? I don't see many players interested in this system anymore. Is it because people got bored or lack of new content from ffg ?

Is the only war dead in terms of new Content ? yes very much so, we are more likely to See Rogue trader 2.0 then a new book for only war. It just comes down to business, there are not enough people interested in the game. This may be due to a lack of advertising both on Games-workshops part, and of Fantasy-flights. For example I got into the War-hammer 40k line after I saw a Twitch broadcaster start playing it and broadcasting there games. But before that I did not know it existed, hell my local GW manager had no idea there were even such games, flat out said to me GW or anther company had never produced any rpgs. Maybe ! if Fantasy flight set up a twitch channel and had regular broadcasts of there games, ( other then starwars) then we would see a climb in population on these forums, but I think most things have been talked about by now, and we just have the trickle of newer players who pick the books up come in to ask questions.

Does this mean the Community is dead ? On the Fantasy flight forums, yes kinda, you can only talk about so much on a given subject with out new content to talk about and discuss .At the end of the day if people do not show a interest in it, even if a hand full of gamers including my self play it regularly, then why would FFG Put the time or money into it just to please a few people. They do not wish to officially say the line will not be expanded, because well that's just taking a big old bolt gun and shooting your self in the foot with it.

It does not mean the game is dead, by any stretch people still play it, I have at least one only war game going at any-given time. But Roll20 and other online RPG gaming sites seem to be the normal for Only war games, rather then in person. It's a great game to have for long campaigns for example, you can start a dark heresy campaign that ends up in calling for a guard regiment for X reason, then you play only war after that, then bring in deathwatch later when its too much for the guard to happen, and I am sure a Rogue trader.

I would have to see FFG guys call up some one like Dan Abnett ( the famed 40k author and who worked on DH1 I believe if i'm not mistaken _ do a streamed broadcast, I think you would see not only this community get a much needed injection of life, but many of the other 40k games. Because lets face it, Dark heresy is at the top of popularity of the 40k game series, RT is some where under it, and the others are miles away.

Edit:- and if you guys at ffg are going to take that Idea with Dan Abnett, I would love to be a player... just saying....

Edited by CommissarWilliams

I haunt the forums regularly. People just aren't really discussing anything that I feel I have anything to add to for the most part. I'd like to see more Only War content but at this stage, having played Only War for 18 months without a break, I intend to take a step back and play Star Wars, World of Darkness, Shadowrun and other goodies for a while, before I end up loathing 40k lol.

Would it be fair to say I chose a rubbish time to start getting into the terms of its curent online interest group ;)

Not entirely, at least there are resources already published. Rather than playing the game with altering books coming out after or during games being run. little group are gearing up for a campaign soon so i hope we can buck the trend :)

I just managed to ****** a copy of Hammer of the Emperor for for $20 at a local bookstore so hope not :)

I just managed to ****** a copy of Hammer of the Emperor for for $20 at a local bookstore so hope not :)

Ah, the unintentional humor of overzealous profanity filters.

I once mentioned Herman Melville's most famous novel on these Forums; the software didn't like that one little bit...

Edited by Adeptus-B

that's odd, i swear i typed in snag. :lol:

that's odd, i swear i typed in snag. :lol:

Auto-correct is responsible for no end of heresy...

Is the core rulebook out of print? Any news of a possible reprint?

Is the core rulebook out of print? Any news of a possible reprint?

As far as I know it is out of print with no plans to reprint.

You can still get the rulebook through Drivethru RPG.

OW is the main game my friends and I are playing, though sadly about to run out of pre-written stuff, and badly missing the specialist book.

I had a moment of nostalgia today after i was giving a few pointers for a friend who wanted to start a Dark Heresy campaing. I checked this forum and realized that only war is over. At least for me. It was a great game and i have a lot of fond memories. But i lost interest in 40k rpg's. Maybe because i played or GM'ed every published scenario or maybe because FFG no longer support 40k line. Or maybe both :)

I moved on. There are so much good tabletop rpg's out there.

At least i can consider myself lucky for GM'ing over 100 sessions with OW only and not counting DW, DH or RT games i played. I did what i wanted to do. I ran a campaing spanning more than a hundred years in game time with 4 generation of characters. Implementing major events in game like armageddon war, 13th black crusade, tyranid wars and a lots of others events.

I feel fulfilled. Maybe i will play OW again someday when games workshop advance 40k timeline :P

I wish for everyone here who still plays this game to have such a great time i had. Just wanted to share this with you.

The Emperor protects

There's a copy of the core rulebook on Ebay UK for £25 ending tomorrow - seems quite a steal