The Amaranthine Syndicate and their shady backing sounds perfect for a great Rogue Trader campaign.
While the Syndicate would use mainly normal trade ships, perhaps enhanced by some hidden Xeno parts the Slaught would use hard to find biomechanical ships.
This biomechanical technology I picture like the ones the Wraith use in SG: Atlantis and the Cylons use in BSG.
So what kind of Xeno parts are we talking off?
The ones available can all be used and perhaps only need to be renamed, but I could imagen a lot of strange other components:
Organic Skeleton:
A black chitinous structure has grown inside the vessel, strengthening from the inside out, making it both harder to damage and harder to penetrate
Power: 2
Space: 2
SP: 3
Increase the vessels Armour by 1 and add +3 Hull Integrity
If the vessel is manned by a human crew permanently substract 10 from the Morale
Mitosis Core:
Prerequisite: Organic Skeleton or Slaught Hull
A ship possessing this component heals itself, it commands the organic parts of the ship to regro.
Power: 6
Space: 6
SP: 3
Each turn or half hour in narrative time the vessel regenerates 1d5 Hull Integrity Points or 1 Critical Level
Damaged components count as 5 wounds, Destroyed Component as 20 but can only be regrown if biomechanical
It Lives:
Decrease the Morale of Human crews by 20 permanently
Okay these are 2 quick examples...any more ideas...???