Card Sleeves

By HauRuck, in War of the Ring: Collector's Edition

What are the types and quantities of FFG Card Sleeves needed for the cards in this game? Anyone know? They are suppose to be bigger than the ones in the regular edition, no?

They are "Tarot sized" cards so there are no sleeves for them as far as I know. At least not from FFG.

Dear Fantasy Flight, Please either provide with the game or available to purchase sleeves that fit the new sized cards. I would really like to protect my investment!

Add my name to the list of those wanting sleeves. We could use these for LotR Confrontation Deluxe as well.

Francesco Nepitello (one of the designers of the game) posted the following about Card Sleeves over at BoardGameGeek:

"Shouldn't be to hard to find, as during the second day of the fair a guy came to us showing that he found the right size being sold somewhere at the fair itself (the Essen fair). As soon as I know something else, I'll post it."

Click this link for the full post:

I also hope sleeves become available for these cards.

Mayday have made some custom oversized sleeves that fit the WotRCE cards. They are limited edition but there are are still some left from various online shops. You need 2 packs.