using drugs as weapons

By jack_px, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

hi people, i wanted to ask, do you think that with an injector someone could administer a drugs to a enemy??, i was thinking that with a successfully melee attack it could be possible but, i dont know i think there should be something more, meaby a ranged weapon with a ammunition capable of contain a dosis of the drug or something like that.

There is the tox dispensor for melee weapons.

Otherwise, it should be a we test with maluses to proplerly inject the drug.

Needle weapons (Needle Pistol, Needle Gun) use lasers to silently deliver toxins, so that's another means of transmitting whatever.

I know it says that you deliver a toxin with those weapons but, could you actually put a drug as a clip instead of The normal clip?

from DH1 the Cadence "Widower" Dart Caster, which can be used either a Pistol or a Rifle mode and then load it with Strixis Tincture and if you can damage the target you can drop the into a mini coma. :rolleyes: