So the minifactions are out? What decks do they make?

By Marinealver, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

So looking at the minifactions. Apex sort of looks like an Anarch style deck so I guess splashing Anarch cards will be the mix. Sunny is rather straight forward with the cloudbreakers so economy and cloud breakers along with overmind for early ice sound perfect. Adam is much harder.With the directives it seems like Adam you need HB cards which is impossible because runner can't take corps but Adam needs more clicks it seems like thanks to his directives.

Have you seen any good deck using any of the 3 new runner IDs?

Edited by Marinealver

Minifactions are a bit weird and very new so not much has been done with them yet.

Apex so far is the weakest. Most of his cards are garbage. Wasteland is pretty decent, but works best with or factions. He pretty much needs Faust as an additional breaker considering how bad Endless Hunger is. Apocalypse has been doing okay in Criminal.

Sunny is okay, but finding breakers is tough. Has a lot of potential, but more investigation is needed.

Adam is the suprise power house. His directives are all pretty good and the downsides easily mitigated. Probably wants brain cage to help with hand side and get free draws. Multi-threader is pure awesome as is always be running. One player got 72nd with him at Worlds.

Been looking at NetRunner DB and still haven't found very many decks out. So what is wrong with the minifactions? Are the card polls too small?

Influence limit is the problem.

Sunny can be half-decent, but the 50-card deck size hurts a lot.

Apex is just terrible, but I've seen prey in other decks and A pic is great in Geist.

Adam needs to pull Brain Chip and at least one agenda very early on.

yeah I like the concept but I'm a bit underwhelmed myself.

Any mini faction cards worth splashing into other decks?

Do we get cards for the minifactions in upcomming expansions?

Will we get mini corp factions somewhere down the line?

Edited by Robin Graves

Nexus and Jak Sinclair are seen out of faction. Nexus in Kate is very strong.

Prey and Wasteland are occassionaly seen in some Anarch and Criminal decks. Apocalypse is glorious in Geist.

Multithreader in Andy can be good.

I wonder if the NAPD most wanted list would help or hurt the minifactions as those cards now tend to spend influence on runners as well.

This is my current Adam list - not been worked on for over two months, it's completely unaffected by MWL. (It's not amazing, but it was doing pretty well in practice games).

The fReemade Man

Adam: Compulsive Hacker (Data and Destiny)

Event (16)
3x Career Fair (Breaker Bay) •••
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
1x Independent Thinking (Data and Destiny)
3x Infiltration (Core Set)
1x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ••
2x Stimhack (Core Set) ••
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (6)
2x Brain Chip (Data and Destiny)
2x Dorm Computer (Breaker Bay) ••
2x R&D Interface (Future Proof) ••••

Resource (12)
1x Always Be Running (Data and Destiny)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
3x Data Folding (Order and Chaos)
1x Neutralize All Threats (Data and Destiny)
3x Public Sympathy (Cyber Exodus)
1x Safety First (Data and Destiny)

Icebreaker (8)
2x GS Sherman M3 (Data and Destiny) ••••
2x GS Shrike M2 (Data and Destiny) ••••
2x Overmind (Honor and Profit)
2x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead) ••••

Program (3)
3x Multithreader (Data and Destiny)
25 influence spent (max 25)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Deck built on NetrunnerDB .

EDIT: Those Directives are maindecked; they aren't the three mandatory inclusions. So if importing this into Jinteki or OCTGN change all Directives to 2x not 1x.

Edited by CommissarFeesh