The way i do it is this.
I first make a grid where 1 grid equals 10 meters. This isnt ment to be exact scale so just stay with me.
Then after you do that make some terrain like trees or buildings.
then place your npc squads in some of the boxs where you want your units and the enemys and this represtens that the squad is standing atleast 1 metter away from eachother applying its a squad of 10.
then when a squad wants to move just move 1 box a turn unless running and then 2 boxs. for faster units move more boxs its up to you.
then if they want to shoot just count how many boxs away they are in incriments of 10 so its easy.
and there you have it. if you have access to a vtt you can create pretty massive battles this way allowing your players to roll for allies while you play the enemy, if not then you can make platoon/company size combat easy