Thank you FFG

By WillemTCG, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Just got Armada and just want to let you know i love it !!

Great job again FFG you guy's make the most awesome games ever !!

There has been a lot of complaining about the price of Armada, but I'm pleased with the game through and through. It's simple enough to sit down with a new player and walk them through it and at the same time has enough depth to have me biting my nails over each move and what the effects will be two turns later.

Great Job FFG, keep it up! (my wallet will just have to suffer!)

The price is fine. For the size of the models and the pretty good paint job it's a great value! And one of the best games I have ever played

I'm still spending money on it, so if it's too expensive they didn't do a good enough job at making it too expensive. ;)

The paint jobs and quality to me justify the price, I've just spent $300 NZ on wave 2 Imperials, can't wait for them to get here today, first day they're out here.

Yes it's pricey, but for someone with not much time to paint, doing the squadrons is quick enough and I don't have to do anything else unless I want to, it's fantastic. Just wish I could afford to drop money on rebels outside what i got in the core, but I felt it best to just pick a side for now.

It's a little expensive, but I am honestly proud of the attention the game gets when I play in public. I was initially worried about putting that kind of money into a game in case it flopped. I don't worry about that any more.