FFG site shows Runebound shipping now!!

By krechevskoy, in Runebound

Now is that direct to retailers or just some retailers and direct orders?

Shipping means from the FFG headquarters to both distributors and stores. According to the place of the world where you live, this could mean 8-10 days or a month (usually Europe receives some stuff at the same time as the US, or a few weeks later). In any case, the game's here, and the waiting is over :)

Great news!

It's already out in the wild here in Europe, a few stores in Denmark already have it so if you're European, we should get it around the same time as in USA!

It's already out in the wild here in Europe, a few stores in Denmark already have it so if you're European, we should get it around the same time as in USA!

It's out in Denmark. Pretty sure that none of my usual pushers has the game available, and yes, I'm European

It's already out in the wild here in Europe, a few stores in Denmark already have it so if you're European, we should get it around the same time as in USA!

It's out in Denmark. Pretty sure that none of my usual pushers has the game available, and yes, I'm European

To quote Hamlet "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"....soon to be Terrinoth