Frenzy talent for explorator

By Wicky, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions


I dont know if the rules forum is the best place for this but I have a question. We recently started a rogue trader campaign. I started playing as the groups Explorator. I would really like him to pick up frenzy as a talent, but I didnt at character generation because I wanted to sink the exp cost into bionics... I don't think the frenzy talent is on the Explorator career (because it would go a bit against the established path of becoming more logic and machine like and frenzy is the opposite: supreme erratic/passionate behaviour)... Are there any sub cults of the adeptus mechanicus where frenzying is an established practice?


Frenzy is very much a heightened emotional state, giving in to your base instincts. As such it is, as you mentioned, very rare among the cults of the mechanicus. Rare... but no unheard of.

Taking a page from 40k Tabletop, there are the cults of the so-called Electro Priests.

These guys are fanatical warriors, completely assured in their protection by the Omnissiah. If anything they are the closest to true Berzerkers that the AdMech have within their ranks, others being martially-minded Myrmidons that focus on melee combat or a very few of the more radical members of the Biologis.

Now of course, if this doesn't fit your character (and on a side note there better be a **** good reason why your character is going so against the standard doctrine of the Mechanicus by embracing such primal urges) you can always just... make your own reason. Come up with your own sub-cult that didn't exist before, flesh them out and give them a story.

There are a few different angles which you can go by.

There are actual drugs that produce the effect of frenzy. Frenzon, which is in the core book i think, and also there is an other one in the Into the Storm which grants the user the Frenzy AND Battle Rage talent for a while ( so even better than Frenzon. Assuming you want to dodge or parry:) )

If you have access to the supplement books you might find an alternate career rank that gives you access to the frenzy talent.

Or you can work with you GM to make the talent available for you as a part of an Elite Advancement and you can pay a higher XP cost for the talent than it would normally take. From narrative perspective you can say that you'll train with some barbaric tribes who will teach you to reach down and use to your inner anger. Alternatively, it's not unheard that The Mechanicus to use combat drugs to enhance warriors, so you can say that you'll Tech-Priest will construct a special gland or drug injecting system which will let the character enter in a chemically controlled frenzy state and not in an emotional overdose.

Edited by zolik

Thanks for giving me something to mull over ... much appreciated :)

Frenzy is very much a heightened emotional state, giving in to your base instincts. As such it is, as you mentioned, very rare among the cults of the mechanicus. Rare... but no unheard of.

Taking a page from 40k Tabletop, there are the cults of the so-called Electro Priests.

These guys are fanatical warriors, completely assured in their protection by the Omnissiah. If anything they are the closest to true Berzerkers that the AdMech have within their ranks, others being martially-minded Myrmidons that focus on melee combat or a very few of the more radical members of the Biologis.

Now of course, if this doesn't fit your character (and on a side note there better be a **** good reason why your character is going so against the standard doctrine of the Mechanicus by embracing such primal urges) you can always just... make your own reason. Come up with your own sub-cult that didn't exist before, flesh them out and give them a story.

This would be an interesting alternative rank for a techpriest/explorer