Getting Started...This or That?

By Deepspace5, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Greetings all. I searched around for a bit and did not find an exact answer to my question, so here it is.

What are y'all's thoughts about getting the F&D Beginner Game in my situation:

I have EotE Core Rulebook, the Age of Rebellion Beta Softcover, and two sets of dice. I am looking to expand my collection a bit and generate up some adventures. I have only watched games and read through my own material. I have not actually played a game as a player or GM. I feel like I could make my own adventures, but I want to run some new players through a beginner series to get the feel for it (both GMing and playing). It seems like F&D Beginner Game would be perfect as the next step to round out my current collection and give me more options.

What are your thoughts on this in my situation. Would you go with a different beginner game...or maybe just go strait to the F&D Core rulebook? Perhaps there is a third option I am not aware of?

Thank you in advance for fielding my question.


Well that would depend on what your players want. Each of the games is focused towards a particular type of gameplay and so you should pick the ruleset that best reflects what sort of game your players want.

The Beginner Boxes are excellent. I've run Takeover at Whisper Base for my little brother, who had never played an RPG before, and he picked up on the idea very quickly. Therefore, if you want to teach new players I'd get hold of whichever one most appeals to them and run it through with them, going from there.

The F&D book is very useful for things like Lightsaber customisation or if you have players wanting to play as the 'Prequel Trilogy species' like Mirialans, Zabraks and Cereans, but if you've got some players who just want to fly X-Wings or do dodgy trade deals then I'd pick up the Beginner Game more closely focused on them.

I hope this helps. May the Force be with you.

The beginner game may be just the thing. It's tailor made for new GMs and players. It's the perfect product to purchase and run for strangers or friends at your local gaming store. Plus, it comes with an extra set of dice, which will always get used.

Thank you both for the advice. I put F&D Beginner Game on my list as the next RPG item to pick up. I have enough information from the other two series to adapt to things they might be interested in. However, if I am introducing players new to the concept and they are SW fans already, they will probably want to play some type of Jedi.

How many are there? The F&D Beginner Box contains two Jedi with lightsaber right off the bat, and you can download a third off of the website, so if they want to get that Jedi-focused game right from the beginning they can. The only thing to note is that lightsaber rules and stats are very different between EotE/AoR and F&D. Also, giving players lightsaber from session 1 could create a bit of a power creep early on. However this can be balanced with some handy GMing, and it does skip around the possibly-overdone plot point of the 'grand quest to earn your lightsaber'.