So I was wondering today if there were any other lurkers out there who still visit these forums on occasion looking for a post to read...or maybe even some news about our beloved game. I, for one, still drop by from time to time, but there is never much to see. I thought I would make an attempt to change that and see how much of the community is still hanging around.
So my question: What would you most like to see added to your current disk collection? I know most of us are thinking: "Any new expansion...really, ANYTHING at all....please FFG...
. Put that aside for a second, though. Imagine you have a magic wand with the power to create one unit and one additional race to be added to the game immediately. What would you choose?
I happen to be a High Elf fanboy with a an appreciation for Wood Elves, so I would love to see anything added to those factions. Dragon Knights of Caledor, Phoenix Guard, White Lions, Waywatchers, Treemen, Treekin, Wild get the idea.
If I had to choose just one unit, though, I would like to see either White Lions or Waywatchers (Okay, I cheated and chose two, but I am the OP, so I can do that
). High Elves could use a good brawler, and I like the fluff of the White Lions, and Waywatchers...well, they are just Waywatchers, and that level of badassery needs no explanation.
As for a new race, I think I would lean toward Bretonnia. I don't know why exactly, but they have always appealed to me the most out of the human groups in Warhammer, though I appreciate the Empire as well. I guess I have a fondness deep down for the glorious final charge (born of my lifelong love of Tolkien and the Rohirrim in particular) where you break the enemy or die in the attempt.
So what about the rest of you? What would you add?