Suffolk County, NY Casual Adult Players

By JeffK, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

I'm about to place a new game order and would love to get the AGoT LCG. However, no one in my current group is into the whole deck construction idea. On top of that, I really have no desire to walk into a game store and get involved in that kind of scene. I'm well past my 20's and I'd much prefer to game with people roughly my own age (i.e. past college age). I also don't want to do hardcore deckbulding (i.e. buying 3 of everything so you can build the perfect deck). Purchasing one copy of the starter and one of each the the LCG format boosters is about it for me.

Basically, I'm wondering if I'm the only one like me in my area - a married adult who enjoys gaming and who finds the deckbuilding aspect of the LCG format attractive but prefers a casual, friendly atmosphere. If anyone else in Suffolk County (I live in Smithtown) meets that description, please let me know!


Hey Jeff, I'm the person who responded to your BGG post, so I'm not going to be saying much that is new but thought a response here might be good for any readers who might be similarly situated and in the same area.

For groups that I'm aware of in the LI and NYC area, the closest to you is the group that meets in Mineola. They do meet at a game shop and I've never been there so I don't know what the "scene" is like, but I have met most of the players (who sometimes come into the city to meet up with the NYC group I'm a part of) and they are friendly, goodnatured group of guys. Mostly college age guys plus at least one older player (40ish, married) who organizes their meetups and goes by "Stag Lord" on these boards. (I've spoken with him and if he hasn't already, he'll be contacting by email shortly.) That group mixes things up and plays some different board and war games as well.

In NYC, there's the group that I meetup and generally act as organizer for. The guys in this group range from post-grad to 30ish, some of us married (and, in my case, with children). We have our get togethers at a midtown cafe usually on weekday evenings a couple times a month. Some of the LI guys are very kind to travel into the city on occasion to meet up with the NYC guys, so there's a healthy bond between the two groups.

There's another group called the Metro Wargamers that I believe is primarily into miniatures games but also play board and card games that meets in Brooklyn. I understand from talking with one of their organizers that some of that group is giving AGoT LCG a try so they may end up being another group of players.

Hey Red,

Your friend has indeed e-mailed me and we're currently working out when we'll be getting together. Thanks for making the connection! I ordered AGoT and it should be arriving today. Definitely looking forward to getting into this game.

Now if I can only figure out what to do with my collection of World of Warcraft cards... :)
