I know that this is a long way off and that there is another Soul Cal. 4 set before for it, but I was just wondering what you guys think the next base sets are going to be. Personally I'm hoping for Street Fighter 4 and Tekken 6. Mainly I need some SF back in my UFS life.
Next base set
You pose an interesting question: will there be 2 sets at the same time when the next base set hits? Or will there be a single, very large, set with 8 different starter decks? Or will we just play with 4 starters? Can anyone provide some insight on this?
they made a statement at gencon this year that they were most likely just going to release one set at a time from now on but with whats going on now who knows
it will be awful hard to have only one base set. personally i'm hoping they go back to 2 sets at a time. if they don't, i'm hoping for sf, snk, or darkstalkers in the next base set.
The reason I got into this game was for Street Fighter so im struggling right now with only Soul Cal and Tekken, oh and that other set with that guy from kill bill. The sooner we get another street fighter or even another SNK set the better for me.
pretty sure James told us @ GenCon that the sets would go back to two at a time for base sets. Maybe not for eveyrthing else, but base sets will definitely be two sets.
pretty sure James told us @ GenCon that the sets would go back to two at a time for base sets. Maybe not for eveyrthing else, but base sets will definitely be two sets.
Guys, it's starter season: it WILL be two expansions, 4 starters each. That much isn't changing. When it comes to larger expansions, they mean that unlike Tekken and upcoming SCIV, single-release sets won't be 99 =)
As for starter sets, I'd love to think Street Fighter and Tekken, but I'm just not sure we'll have Street Fighter in 2010, but I sure hope we do =)
MarcoPulleaux said:
pretty sure James told us @ GenCon that the sets would go back to two at a time for base sets. Maybe not for eveyrthing else, but base sets will definitely be two sets.
Guys, it's starter season: it WILL be two expansions, 4 starters each. That much isn't changing. When it comes to larger expansions, they mean that unlike Tekken and upcoming SCIV, single-release sets won't be 99 =)
As for starter sets, I'd love to think Street Fighter and Tekken, but I'm just not sure we'll have Street Fighter in 2010, but I sure hope we do =)
Eh, I don't see why we wouldn't; it's a pretty key liscence
I just hope for some more Samurai Shodown eventually. I need me some Yoshitora
Street Fighter be cool to especially if we see SFIV out of it.
Halbard100 said:
I just hope for some more Samurai Shodown eventually. I need me some Yoshitora
Street Fighter be cool to especially if we see SFIV out of it.
Man SFIV would be the most amazing set. So many awesome characters that haven't be in UFS or even SF before SFIV. I'm also kinda hoping that they work out the deal with Capcom to get SSFIV, because the only thing better than SFIV is.... Super Street Fighter IV!! It should be dropping sometime first quarter so might work out well with the new base set, if nothing else it could definitely be one of the stand alone sets.
Tanner why do you think SFIV might be the reason we haven't seen SF in UFS?
Just personal speculation. I mean it would make sense to hold off on a street fighter set if you were working on getting the street fighter 4 license. Kinda like building tension. Honestly i couldnt see them not going after sf4.
I'd always theorized that the liscence STG held on SF was probably valid for only so many years, and for only so many SF properties. Its possible that UFS no longer HAS the rights to SF, perhaps as a result of SF4 release. You dig?
TOTALLY negative speculation, but there you go.
vermillian said:
I'd always theorized that the liscence STG held on SF was probably valid for only so many years, and for only so many SF properties. Its possible that UFS no longer HAS the rights to SF, perhaps as a result of SF4 release. You dig?
TOTALLY negative speculation, but there you go.
They confirmed they still did awhile back. Unless they changed, it's pretty much speculation of the highest degree.
But wouldn't the base sets come out just before rotation, or for this year where rotation would have taken place (so August/September)?
although I would like a darkstalkers base set.
A darkstalkers base set would be soo sweeett. I need me some werewolf and mummy.
tannerface said:
A darkstalkers base set would be soo sweeett. I need me some werewolf and mummy.
starter decks could be:
Anita, Oboro Bishiman, Marrionette, and Shadow.
pack characters
Lilith, B.B. Hood, Anakaras, Pyron, Huitzl
Sorry, guess i'd missed the confirmation that FFG still had SF in its liscencing. Which I'd assumed to BE the case. I was just stating some conspiracy theory stuff. Word.
kiit said:
But wouldn't the base sets come out just before rotation, or for this year where rotation would have taken place (so August/September)?
although I would like a darkstalkers base set.
Nope... but seriously, I don't know what they're gonna do, and I assume they have a plan not to be discussed with us puny mortalz until it is time to enact it.
I know I'd like to see Darkstalkers and Street Fighter get started in NewFS with starter decks. Darkstalkers has never had starter decks ever, so it would be a good time for it to get the nod (even a bit overdue). Street Fighter always gets the starter decks, but no one has ever really complained about it to my knowledge, because of how iconic their characters are ( Ryu , Ken , Chun-Li ...).
LordAggro said:
I know I'd like to see Darkstalkers and Street Fighter get started in NewFS with starter decks. Darkstalkers has never had starter decks ever, so it would be a good time for it to get the nod (even a bit overdue). Street Fighter always gets the starter decks, but no one has ever really complained about it to my knowledge, because of how iconic their characters are ( Ryu , Ken , Chun-Li ...).
I complained because I don't like the iconic characters and we already have way too much of them already.
A Ken would work good because of MAC being reprinted.
Once again guys, SCIV was pushed to Dec to get the sets back on the ball. Having said that, they said that the Starters will be a March release (although I'm still used to the Feb-May-Aug-Nov schedule, but w/e).
I really want Street Fighter for the sake that we have only rarely gotten "iconic" characters whom play like they do in the game. Ryu has never Hadoken-spaced. Ken has never been a truly aggro rushdown char (don't give me Combination of Blows **Ken**), Chun-Li has NEVER been Kick-oriented.
I wouldn't mind seeing the iconic characters, especially since if there's an 8 release, we could get all 8 SFII-World Warrior characters in one shot, if not the same starters from SF set 1 (which would be both nostalgic and good to see better versions).
Also, as far as SFIV goes, all they could hope to gain from that is new chars and maybe new art. UFS has the entire SF WORLD to take its chars from (Geki, anyone?), so if they get access to SFIV chars, they likely won't even announce it 'til time of their release.
I'd also like a Darkstalkers base Set with starters, I'd like to see Lilith
Gotta love the little Succubus...
tannerface said:
A darkstalkers base set would be soo sweeett. I need me some werewolf and mummy.
Hear you there. I'd love to see a base set Darkstalkers or SNK set. Been a while since we had some or none for Darkstalkers. Didn't get why they released another SCIV set. Made more sense to me release a not yet seen license in Block 4. Instead we have a repeated one. Maybe problems with the Darkstalkers or SNK licenses?
Okay since no one said anything to the contrary. When Steve announced the early rotation and made his announcement he asked for question and i personally asked if the new base set would be in Febuary or August? He said he didnt know at that time.
I personally think that August is the better choice. Having a base set in the middle of a tournament season is a bit stupid. Since regional tournament? (i believe) are gonna be happening soon its just seems like the wrong time. If rotation happens after worlds then after the the big hurah that we call worlds a new block would start and create excitement for the game and for everyone who didnt attend. With everything happening so suddenly this year it will be a little more preparded hopefully next year and we can get tournaments started shortly after school starts.
Anyway this is just what i was told by steve and my thoughts