Character Ratio for Decks

By Zenvious, in Deck Building

I've just recently purchased my first Core set for GoT:2ndEd - and it looks like it will be a game I am eager to get into. However I am somewhat new to deckbuilding for this game so thought I'd get some advice on the character % people recommend.

I recognize this will not be universal as each faction plays differently, but thought it could be a good "core" to base ideas from to the evolve outwards from.

So my questions (assume this is for a 60-card deck which, I assume from the set minimum, is the standard deck size):

  • How much of a deck should be characters?
  • How many of the character cards should be high value (i.e.: 6-7 Gold)?
  • How many copies of the high value characters should you include?
  • Should the majority of your cards be low-mid value cards (i.e.: 2-3 gold each)?

My assumption is a recomended starting 60-card deck should:

  • include at least 35-40 characters (giving a 60+% chance to draw a new character each round) as they seem the focus of this "challenge-based" game.
  • have 3-4 high value characters with two copies of each (6-8 total) so you have a decent chance of drawing them and even duplicating them for defense.
  • have around 20 characters be gold value 2-3 (10 of each maybe?) so you will always have cards you can play even if unlucky with economy growth
  • have the remaining cards be the filler gaps (gold values 1 and 4).

In my mind, that's pretty balanced with decent flexibility - letting you always feel assured you can Muster each turn regardless of what you draw. But again I'm not big on field XP. So what do ya'll say?

This question comes up often, so I can refer you to previous answers here and here , for instance. That said, you have a pretty good grasp on the fundamentals - the reasoning behind some of the decisions (e.g. drawing a character a turn).

Given that you already have that grasp on the concepts, you might find more precise information looking at some of the succesful lists so far like this s taple, this counter to it , or dig around the cardgamedb threads for some good Targ Fealty, Stark/Kraken and Stark/Sun lists I've seen popping up as pretty efficient.

Ty for that! :) Glad to hear my head is in the right direction

Keep in mind the duplicate rule when you think about this.