Southern New Hampshire

By Bronze, in Organized Play

There are a couple of us that are trying to get together and play Game of Thrones in the southern New Hampshire region. With the core sets getting released soon in the stores, we want to start getting some casual games in with a small crowd of people every once in a while mid-week or a day on the weekends.

If interested, then let me know and we can see if we can get a crowd meeting up for cards going up here.

We are playing at 2 locations right now.
Relentlesss Dragon in Nashua and Gaming Etc. in Acton.

the group is about 5 -8 people strong.

the days and times are still in flux but I can guarantee you will meet players Monday night at Gamingetc.

If you are ever close to Raymond, we have 8-10 of us meeting on Wednesday nights starting at 6pm at Pop Culture Games. We just had our first get together tonight and had a great time!