Heirloom Item

By Denair, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

One of the choices is a SET of Carapace armor. However, there are two choices for carapace, the light carapace chest, or the storm trooper version.

Which would it be? Not to mention it says its a set of the armor so does that mean you would go for the one that nets all parts of the body (Ie. Full Storm Trooper Carapace)?

I personally am leaning to the last choice as it makes the most sense and you have to use one of your paths to get it. What are everyone elses thoughts?

If it says a set of armour, I think that would mean you get enough different pieces of armour to cover the full body. If one piece covers everything, that counts as a set. However if a piece only covers a one location, that means the set has that piece along with whatever other pieces are needed to cover all locations.

While yes it makes sense that you get the whole set, which set would it be? The light stuff, or the stormtrooper flak?

I would give them the carapce armor. It is more likely to have been embellisehd and passed down through the ages like a suit of armor.

Their choice of the two full bodies, just because technically a best-quality Storm Trooper armor has 7 AP, penalizing Silent Move and Concealment. Or just house rule that out in the cases of that item.