To pre-order or not to pre-order... That is the question

By XiliX, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

This is not a criticism or commentary. I'm just soliciting opinions. I can't wait for wave 2, but it's really hard for me to give someone my money when there's no hard delivery date. I love Fantasy Flight's Star Wars games but the way the waves are hyped and then delivered lazily is just a little off putting. I'm not complaining, I'll end up ordering pretty much every Star Wars miniature game and expansion they make. I was just wondering how the rest of the community feels.

Have a great weekend


Edited by XiliX

"This isn't a criticism, it's just a criticism." Which is to say criticizing is fine (and in the right circumstances, warranted), but don't pretend you're not being critical of FFG when you are. That's all.

So far as my opinion, I'm going to buy the minis as soon as they arrive at my local store regardless of when that date is, so why not preorder them and help my FLGS in the process?

Sure, a delivery date of "whenever, it's on a boat somewhere" isn't the best, but when you're dealing with logistics and so much stock and overseas production uncertainty is normal and specific dates are going to be missed on occasion. I'm sure FFG feels they'd rather keep delivery times vague rather than disappoint people if they miss a specific target due to factors that are at least partially outside their control.

"This isn't a criticism, it's just a criticism." Which is to say criticizing is fine (and in the right circumstances, warranted), but don't pretend you're not being critical of FFG when you are. That's all.

Point taken. Didn't mean to step on any toes.

"This isn't a criticism, it's just a criticism." Which is to say criticizing is fine (and in the right circumstances, warranted), but don't pretend you're not being critical of FFG when you are. That's all.

Point taken. Didn't mean to step on any toes.

No offense taken, and my toes remain untrodden. I just think it's important to not seem duplicitous when explaining yourself, and saying "I'm not being X" when you actually are just weakens your point unnecessarily.

I understand that you're not trying to offend anybody (which I would say you mostly accomplished, although the language about games being "hyped" and then delivered "lazily" I'm sure won't win you any friends in FFG's marketing or retail departments) but you are being critical. Ideally, being courteous and critical is the best way to be critical, and being critical (when it's warranted, which is admittedly subjective) is very important.

Pre-Order. If there is any size of community in your area, your stores will buy 2 of each expansion maybe 3 of the Squadron pack and Raider and those will vanish fast. The ISD I will expect to see out quickly since stores wont get many in.

I have pre-orders in my stores to spread the love around.

Stores need to get pre-orders in by Tuesday.

At this point the ships exist. Sullust weekend proved that, haha! At this point in time there's no reason not to pre-order.

I think I pre-ordered in late June. That was a long time ago in Armada days.

As a matter of principle I never pre-order any more.

I buy when I see that the vendor for sure has items in stock on the web or if items is on the shelf at the LGS.

The only reason to pre-order really is because you either think the store will run out of stock before you can get what you want. Or you get some sort of discount.

In X-Wing prior to wave 5 or so, most of us pre-ordered because FFG had issues making enough product. But that's not really true now. But if your LGS only orders 2 of each, and there's 5 Armada players there you might have an issue. But if you have 5 active players and the store only orders 2, you may have other issues then a lack of stock.

I never preorder. It encourages companies to both make initial promises they can't fullfil (bait & hype) and takes away the need/motativation to fully flesh out the product they are selling since they already have the bulk of the money (potential switch). It's imho one of the worst developments of the past two decades for the customers.

I pre-order. It gets me a discount and gives the store a sure sale.

Unlike Lyraeus , I buy the minis from just one store (which is struggling, due to circumstances beyond their control), but buy drinks and snacks at the others where I play.

I pre-order. It gets me a discount and gives the store a sure sale.

Unlike Lyraeus , I buy the minis from just one store (which is struggling, due to circumstances beyond their control), but buy drinks and snacks at the others where I play.

Yea. . . that is totally out of their hands. . .