SOTG October 2009

By FFGSteve, in UFS General Discussion

Antigoth said:

I would assume so, since this is who my Retailer deals with.

I'll inquire as to whether the store we play at is registered. They probably are, but I'd rather double-check. Just in case.

Homme Chapeau said:

Antigoth said:

I would assume so, since this is who my Retailer deals with.

I'll inquire as to whether the store we play at is registered. They probably are, but I'd rather double-check. Just in case.

Probably a safe thing. Our store Championship kit arrived last week. Our event isn't until November 10th.

Antigoth said:

Probably a safe thing. Our store Championship kit arrived last week. Our event isn't until November 10th.

We were told we were, but I have no idea on whether or not the guy who handled it mentioned a date. I'll have to not schedule a normal tournament for that weekend.