NoobFighterFTW said:
I'm just hoping they bring something out to deal with speed pumps. I know it's been said a million times, but that's the only thing I really see being a problem right now. PoTM is bad enough, but damage alone does not win this game. it's the speed pumps behind it that make it good. Look at Ivy, one Cross Madness get's through and all of her ping damage becomes auto hits with the speed boost. Then throw a PoTM on a Gnome and GG. I'm also hoping they do something with the symbol spread. Water is my favorite symbol to play, but it has nothing right now. Unfortunately I don't think it will get any better any time soon. Viewing past sets they seem to focus one one or two symbols in one set, then one or two others in the other set (This was when we were getting two sets per release). SCIV and Shadowar gave us FIRE and LIFE, I guess you could throw DEATH in there too. Then Tekken focused on VOID and DEATH, and ALL if you really consider Christie support useful right now. But she does have water and that's what worries me. Seeing that makes me think that water will see little to no support in SCIV2, Same with GOOD and ORDER.
And EARTH, AND CHAOS. Evil, Water, Order, and Good are the only symbols that are lacking significant diversification from the others. This isn't bad granted there are only 3 legal sets.
I KNOW good and order will get support in SCIV2, Amy will have good, Yoshi will probably have order, not sure what Taki will have... Yoshi will probably have Evil too (just my guesses here).
- dut