Well, Shinji has been informative enough to post his rankings for characters and resource symbols on his newest article. Though I agree with a large part of what is said there, I have some dissenting thoughts about his rankings for some characters in particular (some being ranked too low, others too high). Without further ado, I present you my own rankings (with the rationale behind the placement explained as best I could), and I will be receptive towards arguments for any character or resource symbol being moved to another spot.
Characters - Summary:
S Tier - Astrid, James Hata**, King*
A Tier - Heihachi Mishima*, Hilde*, Ivy*, Kyoufu*, Omar Chavez*, Paul Phoenix*, Zi Mei**
B Tier - Bryan Fury*, Cassandra*, Jin Kazama*, Kazuya Mishima*, Kisheri*, Nightmare*, Ragnar**, Rashotep**, Siegfried*, Steve Fox*, Tira*, Yi Shan**
C Tier - Cervantes*, Dariya*, JJ*, Jon Herr*, Marius Gaius*, Nina Williams*, Padma*, White Crane*
D Tier - Algol*, Astaroth*, Christie Monteiro*, Lu Chen**, Temujin**, Zhao Daiyu**
Resource Symbols - Summary:
A Tier - Death, Earth, Fire
B Tier - All, Chaos, Life, Void
C Tier - Air, Evil, Good
D Tier - Order, Water
Characters - S Tier:
Astrid - Basically consistency incarnate. Game in and game out, she remains among the most reliable characters out there. Hata's gonna have to be careful about what cards he slaps the Weapon tag on... or what symbols he puts on Weapon cards.
James Hata** - Huge attacks, coming at you with lightning speed, and he packs plenty of life, too. Oh, did I mention he has zone-changing which can work on offense (hint: go Low ) and on defense? The current designer is a force to be reckoned with in NewFS , if you ask me.
King* - Hooray for free throws! Recursion and guaranteed damage make him about as consistent as Astrid, and that's saying something. As an aside, he can also sour a momentum user's day if he decides to actually play something from his hand.
Characters - A Tier:
Heihachi Mishima* - Block or die is the name of the game with Grandpa Mishmash. You can't say enough about a turn 2 Spinning Demon coming in for 30 (quite easy to do, actually: it requires 1 Need to Destroy in play, as well as 1 Spinning Demon , 1 Ascending Zephyr , and 1 character block in hand, and holy moley, here comes 30!). The only knock I have on him is that blocking ends the fun for him.
Hilde* - Little Miss Ring Out is consistent, but the S Tier gang can usually down her before she gets her motor going. If they can't, however, she is one tough cookie to crack.
Ivy* - She can bust out some aggro madness at record speeds, but she doesn't have the consistency the S Tier beatdown specialists have, as full-blocking her stops her cold, and she doesn't do all that much in the early game without her precious Gay Vampires terrain. However, the fact you more than likely have to tech specifically against her speaks volumes of her potential.
Kyoufu* - She negates blocks on her killshot attacks (you gotta block Knight Breaker or Dragon's Flame twice vs. her... *shudder*), which is just plain sexy. I'm not a fan of her E , because I'd pay 2 life guaranteed to get my block out of my card pool on most days, but it can be useful if you clean out your opponent's hand.
Omar Chavez* - Martial Arts Champion cramps his style, but he's still pretty solid, especially against the symbols that can't run MAC.
Paul Phoenix* - A powerful theme in Stun attacks, a sweet targeted commit effect as icing on your Stun , and he even throws in some damage bonuses to boot. A problem matchup for anyone who relies on their character on defense.
Zi Mei** - Giant Fury of the Ancients kill turns are what have gotten her this ranking. Give her a little room to breathe and setup, and she will make you pay like few others in this game can. The fact that she can conjure up 5 Multiple copies while having no momentum is pretty scary, and Autumn's Kiss can make it 7.
Characters - B Tier:
Bryan Fury* - Damage that can't be reduced, and plenty of it, along with lots of life. Good times.
Cassandra* - Good life for a 7 HS gal, along with easy speed for some nice Combo strings. Throw in The Ultimate Team and Paid to Protect , and you can address worries about having bad blocks on your attacks to fuel her E .
Jin Kazama* - He is great at the fundamentals; his attacks pass easily and hit hard. And any character even theoretically capable of going Unnatural Grace - Crushing Embrace - Launcher - Breaker on turn 1 has to be at least considered solid.
Kazuya Mishima* - His E is great, and is one of the major reasons why running him is worthwhile. His touted "blow up the world" F has proven to be more limited than what we might have thought initially (can you say Killer Android ?).
Kisheri* - Discard and speed in the same package makes for a very nice (and reliable) offensive character. Beware the squishiness, though.
Nightmare* - Getting to 4 damage isn't hard in Death and/or Fire, and his destruction isn't as costly as Kazuya 's. Too bad his damage-boosting R kind of blows...
Ragnar** - Lots of HP (the most in NewFS , to be exact), a solid damage pump, and some sweet stuff that only he can take full advantage of (hello, Stormhammer and Heir to the Storm ).
Rashotep** - Blanking has turned out to be a more balanced mechanic than what we initially thought... (aka it hasn't run away laughing with the meta), but at least he packs Throws and plenty of ways to deal with your opponent.
Siegfried* - Plenty of damage to go around, on a symbol that sorely needs it ( Life is the way to go with him if you ask me, though Earth has a good argument going). Sweet.
Steve Fox* - Pommel Smash and Paul Phoenix* make him cry, and the punches out there right now aren't all that, but that's where the complaints end.
Tira* - The Gloomy Side / Jolly Side mechanic requires some serious thinking as far as what you can build the deck to do (and can be plenty difficult to execute), but she has great potential from both her own support and any massive attack you can steal from other folks ( Wrath of Heaven and Siegfried's Earth Divide are the favorites here).
Yi Shan** - More consistent, and stronger than what you might think. I've worked on this character extensively, and he can be run as a straight Earth aggro deck, since his attacks are very efficient (all of them are 1:1 or higher on damage:difficulty), relying on Earth 's Stun power to muscle your attacks through enemy defenses. His face-up momentum strategy can make this lethal in a hurry, since it provides more Stun power and more damage ( Maniacal Laughter can provide you with free momentum, as well as an extra Stun in favor of your cause). Earth 's damage reduction (combined with his support's) will also go a long way in keeping you up on your feet.
Characters - C Tier:
Cervantes* - His first R is better than one what might think at first glance (effectively +1 to all checks with some luck), the second R is just inviting more trouble than what it was ever worth. There's plenty of CC hacking hate out there, and this is very watered-down CC hacking. If you ask me, that mechanic should just go away...
Dariya* - Copying is cute, but her symbols offer little, and you never know the full output you'll get from her, as that depends on your opponent's deck. Not for the faint of heart.
JJ* - I haven't actually seen him in play yet, but messing with decks that are more heavily dependent on their characters to motor (most decks overall, frankly) can't be all bad. His symbols pay him no favors, though, and play a major role in him being ranked this low.
Jon Herr* - There's not all that much for him (or anyone, really) to steal on his symbols... yet. Hunt for Jin makes him giddy with the sheer awesomeness of the combination, though.
Marius Gaius* - With some pretty good actions and attacks available to him, he sure can have a good thing going in his aggressive game. And recurring them to do it again is always nice, but it's kind of a bulky thing to do repeatedly.
Nina Williams* - She can be infuriatingly controlling, but her ability to actually kill someone is in question, since she also has a fully generic offense (at least you know they'll probably check a 3 on the block...).
Padma* - That bleeding ability is pretty fun to use, and can make for a pretty consistent offense, especially when you load up on Throws . Too bad she's as squishy as she is, especially when her symbols are spotty on defense.
White Crane* - She can actually use Lu Chen** "clutter up your card pool" theme better than the old master can himself, and her abilities allow her to generate momentum easily (cards in card pool + speed bonus = unblocked attack) and use it to devastating effect (2+ keywords? See ya!). Killing will not be her strong suit, however.
Characters - D Tier:
Algol* - TELEGRAPHED kill, and most of his abilities aren't really straight draw (more like hand flushing). Overall, an interesting, yet unimpressive character.
Astaroth* - No real reason to run him over Bryan Fury* or Ragnar** right now, if you ask me (except siding him in to annoy Cervantes* or Jin Kazama* ). Though his effectively character-only Hades Destroyer looks nice on paper, a 6-diff, 5 base damage throw with Powerful: 2 off Fire (which is easily his best symbol, and isn't really a champ at momentum generation) just doesn't make up for having a more conditional damage-boosting E than the other two big bruisers and an R that is a step away from useless in this format (not to mention less starting vitality).
Christie Monteiro* - Despite what others think, I don't think she's too squishy for the current meta; I think she's just a bit too slow. Maybe Path of the Master can fix that...
Lu Chen** - Out of place in the current meta. The momentum is too hard to generate off of a generic offense, and he needs to build too much for his reversal-enhancing E to see real play (by the way, the Reversals are few and far between, and the only one that has impressed me thus far is Gut Drill , and that's not even part of his support!). Plus, if you thought it was hard to generate momentum in a generic offense, wait until you try to kill someone...
Temujin** - No real use for his E until there is some at least decent momentum generation, and his F isn't nearly useful enough to justify only having 26 vitality.
Zhao Daiyu** - Can you say one-trick pony? Twilight Embrace is where she begins... and ends (see Algol* for another case). The vitality loss is cute, but is draining 2 life really worth making your opponent's next block check easier? And having only 25 vitality doesn't help her argument.
Resource Symbols - A Tier:
Death - This symbol currently packs an explosive offense, as well as a large amount of control pieces to keep the opposition on its toes. It has speed, damage, discard, blanking, destruction, negation... you get it.
Earth - As Shinji eloquently said, it is a very flexible symbol. Damage pump and reduction take center stage here, as well as a solid Stun lineup and a blanking lineup even better than Death 's. Also, it is at the forefront of the Throw game, which certainly helps its standing.
Fire - Just stating what everyone here likely already knows; Fire 's straight-forward offense is second to none. With damage pump and reduction that is arguably better than even Earth combined with card drawing second to none and loads of Stun (with a dash of check-boosting), Fire takes the specialist's approach; it does less things than Death or Earth , but it does them very well.
Resource Symbols - B Tier:
All - As usual, this symbol presents potential, but feels somewhat incomplete. Plenty of card drawing, but it might need a little more muscle to establish itself. Not having the Fire symbol on half of its cards can help to separate it from the Flame.
Life - A very techy symbol, Life has some nice pieces to counter enemy aggression towards your vitality or your staging area, as well as ways to easily push your damage through with a good Stun engine and speed bonuses as the cherry on top. The only real complaint I have is that its damage bonuses are few and far between; if your character is not aggressive by nature, you might find it harder to muster up big damage on a moment's notice.
Chaos - Momentum generation has been concentrated here of late, and it has some very interesting pieces. Its faults are relying on your character for most of your offense (though it has a lineup of some very offensively oriented folks), and being rather spotty on defense.
Void - IMHO, the best symbol at disrupting your opponent. It packs a huge amount of control and counter-control pieces to take the upper hand in any tech battle. Although it has a solid Throw game, it is undeniably a slower killer than other symbols.
Resource Symbols - C Tier:
Air - It has a very techy lineup, similar to Life , but it still needs a bit more differentiation from Death and Fire to establish its own identity. Also, momentum generation has always been an integral part of Air strategies, and it has been rather absent from the current lineup.
Evil - Not really established yet. Most of its cards have Chaos or Death (or both), making it hard to justify running it over one of the aforementioned two. However, I believe it will make its run (and I wouldn't be all that surprised if someone came up with a working build for it right now).
Good - Like Evil , not fully established. It needs more of the pieces that distinguish it from most other symbols (tricky anti-meta tech, Reversals , a balanced offensive and defensive approach) to really come into its own.
Resource Symbols - D Tier:
Order - All characters that have been released with support also have Fi re . The only reasons to run it are Bloodline Rebellion and Cursed Blood (a promo and a reprint, respectively). So it's still biding its time...
Water - Same situation as with Order , except that Fire is replaced with Life , and there is no promo to make a case for it...