Model size

By magicrealm, in Runewars

are the model of the size of descent or smaller ? is runewars a copy of warhammer or battle lore ?

if they are small size, why have they made another battle lore game then ? they already own battle lore. i dont see a sense in that. if they are are descent size, then the box must be much bigger then that of descent to fit all the 200 models. 200 models of warhammer size in one box to that prize would be a challenge to warhammer, but i doubt that the models are that big. thats why i ask here.

magicrealm said:

are the model of the size of descent or smaller ? is runewars a copy of warhammer or battle lore ?

I'd very much assume these models will be smaller. If they were Descent-sized, then it would be hard to fit entire armies onto one hex.

And I'm not sure how you would think Runewars is a copy of Warhammer. Warhammer does not use hexes, does not revolve around empire building or resource management. It is mainly just a war game. Similarly to Battlelore. Runewars looks like it encapusles much more than just battle. It's about questing, building, managing, and warfare.

I don't know if they will necessarily be smaller, as descent has ~92 minis, and most of those are monster-sized, which I'd be surprised if Runewars had a bunch of monsters. However, I also doubt all 200 minis are going to be Army figures, but that some may be little castles and other empire scope figures.

Taking into Account that War of the Ring had 204 Miniatures (and the Addon 77 more)

and they all fit inside a big Nexus Box ...

or Age of Conan same Box 168 Plastic Models...

and these Boxes are Roughly 50%~60% of a FFG Big Box (coffin)....

and that these Miniatures were a bit smaller then a Descent Beastman

and i can fit 4~5 on a Warcraft Hex

or 8-12 on an Twilight Imperium Hex

i would say that it is possible that they are Descent/Runebound/Drakon Humanoid Sized

(also they can use the old molds for the Heroes (the White Plastic Wizard looks familiar....))

(now searching for the right words)

but the scales do not match (a wizard bigger than a horse.... a horseman smaller than an elf ... giant undead) but who cares... its meant to represent units(armys) or Heroes (and there entourage)

The white plastic Wizard is very similar to a descent sorcerer, but they have a different pose.

I will be expecting something between War of the Rings (25mm Height, 15mm Base) and Descent (Humanoid: 25mm-35mm Height, 25mm Base)

(i would favour WotR size use my dwarves as stand ins... to give it a more EPIC feel... (small dudes on huge landscape maps) ..and to cut production cost

In answer to the size of the model question, I would have to say D

magicrealm said:

is runewars a copy of warhammer or battle lore ?

I would assume Runewars is a remake of a classic (as in old, not really iconic) FFG game called BattleMist.

Considering one of the announcement articles basically says just that (IE, that it's kind of a "Battlmist 2nd Edition"), I'd say you are right :)

Yep... This would be Battle Mist edition two. Still doesn't tell us how big the minis are. I bet that they are fairly large though.

Well one thing is sure. The minis cannot be Descent size - you need new models in a new game. I would say they will be as in Age of Conan.

YoshiPL said:

Well one thing is sure. The minis cannot be Descent size - you need new models in a new game.

Says who? :) Descent and Runebound had the same minis for the heroes :)

YoshiPL said:

Well one thing is sure. The minis cannot be Descent size - you need new models in a new game. I would say they will be as in Age of Conan.

Actually FFG routinely recycles miniatures (and artwork) from game to game where applicable. WoW: the Board Game and WoW: the Adventure Game use the same hero miniatures despite being totally different games - they're set in the same universe and use the same characters. Descent, Runebound and Drakon all use the same miniatures. Given that Runewars is set in the same universe and is known to employ at least some of the same heroes (you can see Valadir and Silhouette cards clearly on some of the box images we've seen) it's a safe bet it will use the same hero miniatures. It's also a safe bet that most (if not all) of the miniatures in the box will be the same scale. Maybe some of the larger creatures like the dragons won't be to scale (that grey dragon mini doesn't look like it'll be properly dragon-sized compared to the other minis pictured with it) but I would expect at least those figures who are roughly human-sized to match.

This is not a bad thing in my opinion. Firstly it saves FFG production costs by not having to make new molds for each game, which makes the final product that much cheaper for us (I would hope =P) Secondly it means if you own all three of these games then you have spare pieces in the event that some get lost to pets, kids or general negligence (stuff happens.) Finally, it makes it that much easier for those of us inclined to kitbash new rules to combine elements of multiple games into one giant behemoth. =)

And it saves work for people who went through the pain of painting minis from the other games :)

Steve-O said:

Given that Runewars is set in the same universe and is known to employ at least some of the same heroes (you can see Valadir and Silhouette cards clearly on some of the box images we've seen) it's a safe bet it will use the same hero miniatures. It's also a safe bet that most (if not all) of the miniatures in the box will be the same scale.

Especially since generally, the "pose" of the hero/character on the artwork is relatively close to the pose of the figure; and the artwork on those two cards is the same as in Descent and Runebound, so most likely, the same pose will be used for the hero figure in Descent/Runebound.

In fact, I'd take a guess that they will be GREY figures - that way, the same print runs that produce the Descent/Runebound figures can be used to populate the heroes for this game, too!

Of course they can (a prolly will) use the same hero minis. But not the monsters!

Remember what the game is about? Kingdoms/Races batteling eachother - not monster factions. check pictures of the elves at BGG. 4 units in total. Elf warrior, archer, pegasi rider and a mage. Anyone seen those minis in Descent? :)

YoshiPL said:

Of course they can (a prolly will) use the same hero minis. But not the monsters!

I don't think anyone here suggested they would use the monsters from Descent. Maybe I skimmed a post a little too quickly, but I don't remember that. People were asking if these figures would be the same SIZE as those monsters, but not the same actual minatures. I doubt any of the monsters from Descent will reappear here, firstly as you say because it's not a game about them and secondly because the whole differently shaped bases thing would necessitate new miniatures anyway.

I suspect the only recycled miniatures will be the heroes, but their presence in the set will probably mean most of the new ones will be the same scale as those heroes and thus the same scale as Descent's monsters.

Unfortunately, looking at the video preview, all the units are smaller than the descent heroes, which looks odd because the hero models are reused and tower above all the armies. : (