Getting ready for Worlds...

By jkokura, in Star Wars: The Card Game

I don't have a local gaming group. I only get to play this game occasionally with a few friends that I've taught, and I supply all the decks and tokens and such. I have a complete set up to what I can get my hands on (No Imperial Entaglements yet).

Anyway, I have my deck ideas, and I like them well enough for Worlds, but I want to be sure that I've tested them against some other decks. I built up a Jedi Mains deck, and I have a basic understanding of what a current Sith Control deck would look like, but I wonder what other decks I should be play testing against?

Can anyone list a few decks that would be important to test your deck against? Both Light and Dark sides?


For DS:

Mono Scum

Mono Navy

Sith with Scum

Sith with Navy

Scum/Navy (All Out Brawl + Imperial Entanglements can be scary)

For LS:

Mono Jedi

Falcon Jedi

Mono Rebel vehicles

Keyan Rebel vehicles

Sleuth Scouts (will they ever stop being a thing?)

there may be a primarily smuggler deck hidden out there, but I haven't found it yet

Edited by dbmeboy

I hate to sound like a total newb, but are there are current lists for those decks? Links are fine with me, I don't necessarily need you to list me the decks, but I'd like to try and do some play testing on my ideas.


All of those archetypes have quite a bit of variation. For a quick idea of what they might look like though:

Mono Scum: Xizor, The Hunters, Zekka, Guri, Slimiest Scheme

Mono Navy: Imperial Entanglements, Enforced Loyalty, IE Tarkin as the core, filled in with some combination of Thrawn, Chimera, and Thunderflare

Sith with Scum: Standard Sith core with Zekka and/or Guri splashed looks interesting. Xizor splash is always popular too.

Sith with Navy: Standard Sith core with Imperial Entanglements splashed. May have Thrawn.

Scum/Navy: Imperial Entanglements and All Out Brawl makes it very likely that a lone Decimator will be able to do a ton of damage on defense. From there, fill to taste

Mono Jedi: Lots of options. Strong choice may still be the GenCon winning list (Core Luke, May the Force Be With You, Leia, Rahn, 1 BotF Obi-Wan, 1 Hero's Beginning)

Falcon/Jedi: Jedi list with Falcon splashed in, because Falcon is good.

Mono Rebel Vehicles: Rogue Squadron Assault, Defense of Yavin 4, Command and Control, then fill to taste, but Called to Arms, Hoth Ops, and Heroes of the Rebellion are all strong choices

Keyan Rebel Vehicles: Mono rebels, but with Keyan splashed in

Sleuth Scouts: Not sure exactly what the "current" sleuths list would look like. Probably something like Sleuth Scouts, DoY4, Rogue Squadron Assault as the core.

As a side note, you may have noticed that the forums here are pretty empty. That's because the majority of the player base (or at least the portion of the player base that posts on forums) use the forums on

Yeah, I'm used to the X-Wing forum which has a huge number of posts per day. I'll check out those lists and check out that forum.

Thanks very much for your ideas.


Back early in this game's life the FFG forums had frequent technical issues. At the same time, the cardgamedb site had basically the only deck builder and functioning forums. Thus all the swlcg activity ended up over there and never really came back.