Lets Talk Legacy!!!

By NintendoMan, in UFS General Discussion

I have never been a huge legacy until recently. Out of sheer boredom I decided to make a legacy deck with the piles of cards that I have left over that just sit in a box and I can say Im glad I did!

Legacy is so fun! Not only do you get to use crazy cards from past blocks (Dark Force, You WIll Not Escape, Ninjitsu; some of my personal favorties) but there is just soooooo much crazy stuff that you cant account for that you dont even try and you just make the craziest thing possible.

How many people have been enjoying legacy?

Obviously some cards like Kunai, Absurd, Chain Throw, Yoga and Lost Memories are popular but what "undiscovered" cards have made more of an impact on the legacy format then they did back in the day?

Discuss the greatness of legacy!!!


lets not and say we did

Awaken said:

lets not and say we did

hahahaha wow.....

alright should we then instead talk about how b4 needs more sets cuz decks look way to similar.... cuz thats so much more fun

See now, I really like Legacy and want to get it going, so I have to say this is really an interesting topic for me. Unfortunately, until certain cards leave the format it won't be interesting at all. I think certain Legacy variants might be a better idea, or really creating a strong character and card ban list that finally lets some stale boring cards go and gets some interest in old school stuff going.

Honestly, tournament Legacy to me right now it Tira and Ukyo and that's it. Those two characters are so clearly absurd and can FTK so easily it's not even funny. If Chain Throw, Kunai, BRT, and Absurd go, it opens up many more possibilites for a lot of cool decks micing old and new and would make that format worth playing.

Alternatively, play HIghlander Legacy. It's a freaking blast, and real men play it with 100 cards, not 60.

i think legacy needs a different ban list or something.

If a legacy deck can't kill T1, its not top tier.

If it can't kill T2, its garbage.

Personally i find it more enjoyable to just flip a coin and go about my day.

Uh, have you played real legacy? Im pretty sure almost no legacy decks can kill turn 1. Sure they can come close but the worlds legacy winner certianly did not win turn 1 with tycho

Last legacy deck i played was at a local tourney.

I ran hanzo with BRT, RoM, and Communing with the ancients for foundations.

It was "fun"...but honestly legacy just makes me go "meh".

Shinobi...no thanks...Kunai...no thanks....Yoga Mastery...no thanks....all the negation that has rotated...no thanks.

The game is in a good place right now. I would rather play this current game than what is (IMO of course) a degenerate format. I like seeing a format without auto includes, and we have one.

Now, a cube style draft with legacy cards could be awesome. Or some other sort of variation. But normal constructed legacy just doesn't do anything for me

Keep in mind im a fairly new player, and did not play when many of these legacy sets where released. If i did, then maybe i would have a lil spot in my heart for them.

Im not sayin no one should play legacy or they should get rid of it or anything by any means...just stating my opinion. "No sir, i didn't like it"

VikramS said:

Alternatively, play HIghlander Legacy. It's a freaking blast, and real men play it with 100 cards, not 60.

Real MenĀ® Play Uber Highlander where it's 100 cards and the only cards banned are Characters and Unreleased cards (EG No Banned Salami, No Li Long's Hair Care)

Though Uber Highlander needs an "Extra" list for things like Close to the Edge that literally can not work in Highlander formats which either allows for multiples of them, or errataeas them to make them workable w/ only 1 copy.

aslum said:

Though Uber Highlander needs an "Extra" list for things like Close to the Edge that literally can not work in Highlander formats which either allows for multiples of them, or errataeas them to make them workable w/ only 1 copy.

One copy CotE?


What I meant was stuff like CTTE, Lost a Sister, etc... 4 copies are allowed... but only those cards that are "blank" without multiple copies.

Also I'd be inclined to say that extras don't count towards the card count... so if you've got 4 CTTE your deck would really be 103 cards.

Not that I think anyone is likely to try for a Uber Highlander Ringout anyways (getting two out in a 60 card deck was hard enough, in a 100 it'd be dumb)

cool sweet, some actual attempts to reply

First of all characters dont really kill turn 1 in any format....

For legacy my experience is you have to be able to kill turn 2 like 70% of the time. All the meanwhile having tech and whatnot that allows you to survive from common characters such as Ukyo and Tira.

Tag Along wins games! If your playing a character that can run it its a staple and it gives you an advantage over characters that cant run it.

As for bannings the only thing im really warry about is Kunai. It enables way way way too much! And then to a lesser extent Chain Throw. Together alongside Absurd and character like Ukyo and Tira they are too bonkers.

BRT in my eyes isnt broken, especially in this format. With larger handsizes as a whole. And as a stopper to turn 2 Shenanigans I think it is a necessary evil much like Yoga Mastery.

If anything I would like to see some of the most recently banned cards removed from the list (Lord of the Makai etc.) as many of them arent worth of being banned in the legacy format.

O and highliander legacy is badass! thats what got me into legacy when i was playing some of Armed Pirates legacy highlander shenanigans. Helped me remember such goodies as Material Advantage and Idyllic.

NintendoMan said:

As for bannings the only thing im really warry about is Chain Throw. It enables way way way too much! And then to a lesser extent BRT.


P.S. I actually don't mind BRT, but everyone else hates it (understandably so).

I hate BRT.... I actually like Olcadons, and makai (chesters is a bit too.... has everything going for it). Anyway, For the Pro Tour, I would love some expert help on creating a complete ban list for Legacy. If we get that taken care of at a profesional level, what would people think about an only legacy event, to promote its popularity? It definitely is fun, and the card pool is gigantic. I'm not talking about a pro tour event but a seperate large legacy event somewhere. could be fun.

I would totally be up for a legacy-only competition. You can probably make it with some stipulations, like "play with a street fighter character" or "you must have 16 2 checks in your deck". Something with a theme so its not complete ******* legacy.

KawaiiMistress said:

I would totally be up for a legacy-only competition. You can probably make it with some stipulations, like "play with a street fighter character" or "you must have 16 2 checks in your deck". Something with a theme so its not complete ******* legacy.

HEY!!! Some of us were swiss champ at worlds with a Theme deck.

I feel that the majority of the people out there truly do not know how powerful control is in legacy...

All I hear is that "If you can't kill turn 1 or turn 2 then your deck sucks..."

well guess what? My deck would NEVER be able to kill on turn 1 or 2... let alone the first 4 or 5 turns. All my deck cared about was setting up enough control via Emptiness, discard effects, card draw, and recursion that the opponent would never be able to kill me in those first two turns. All it takes for the Legacy Aggro to lose to control is a good Turn 1 Emptiness, or Overwhelming Strength, or multiple discard effects. I think people need to stop worrying about trying to kill turn 1 and turn 2 and start trying to build board advantage before going all in.

Ask KuwaiiMistress how easy it was to out control the aggro opponent. She also knows how powerful turn 1 emptiness is. There is definitely tons of combos in Legacy but as I see it we definitely need to take a look at the ban list and re-evaluate what needs to come off and then we can start from there.

I'm still proud to say that Legacy is my format, and I wait for the day when it gets the support it deserves.

Maybe then our store will be able to push all the DEAD PRODUCT that we were left with since premature rotation.