Ship questions

By sinkarna, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

so having built my players ship with them yesterday i'm left with 2 questions

#1: does every ship come with a standard (no trade endeavours bonus) cargo bay?

#2: does every ship come with a bunch a lighters, shuttle and Guncutter ?

You have to purchase the cargo bay of your choice. The dedicated merchant ships listed are priced with the cargo bay installed.

As far as lighter or small craft bays, I would assume all ships have them.

If your players are going to be running a trade route, they need a cargo bay. If not, do not get one. I am hoping my players will use their frigate to explore, loot, set-up trade routes, you name it, and then return to purchase a cheap cargo hauler which would run independently while they go off to continue to create profit and havoc.

A cargo hold is an area set up for cargo. You can store more cargo and move it on and off easily. Even the raiders, and frigates have a lot of free space on the ship, but there are advantages to having an area designed to store cargo. Every ship has a docking bay for small craft, and a number of shuttle type bays. Certainly warships would likely come with a guncutter (or 2) or other assault craft. Transports would generally have a lot more heavy shuttles, and might not have assault craft like gun cutters. It's really a GM call. That said obtaining a guncutter should be within the means of most Rogue Trader's profit score.

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

You have to purchase the cargo bay of your choice. The dedicated merchant ships listed are priced with the cargo bay installed.

As far as lighter or small craft bays, I would assume all ships have them.

If your players are going to be running a trade route, they need a cargo bay. If not, do not get one. I am hoping my players will use their frigate to explore, loot, set-up trade routes, you name it, and then return to purchase a cheap cargo hauler which would run independently while they go off to continue to create profit and havoc.

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

You have to purchase the cargo bay of your choice. The dedicated merchant ships listed are priced with the cargo bay installed.

If your players are going to be running a trade route, they need a cargo bay. If not, do not get one. I am hoping my players will use their frigate to explore, loot, set-up trade routes, you name it, and then return to purchase a cheap cargo hauler which would run independently while they go off to continue to create profit and havoc.

that's what I thought, but then check out page 209, the Wolfpack Raider got a Component called a "stowage bays" which states "this component allows for trade endeavours but provide no bonus." which I find really odd to put on a ship destined to be only used for npc's anyways (are you really going to do trade endeavours with an npc ship?) but then give no cost of power or space which would be really useful for a raider/pirate type vessel

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

I am hoping my players will use their frigate to explore, loot, set-up trade routes, you name it, and then return to purchase a cheap cargo hauler which would run independently while they go off to continue to create profit and havoc.

My understanding is that the explorers would rarely go on "milk runs". Rather, what they do is set up a new trade route (likely with an example cargo) and then rent the permission to run that route off to a cartel, a merchant house or what have you. This is why profit behaves the way it does (its a resource that renews itself). Even in the example lesser endeavour where you set up a normal chartist route you are lining up buyers and sellers and skimming a share off the top of all future runs made by whoever you sell the rights to.

it also got something called a "Standard Bridge" another compoment that's nowhere to be found

Possibly the stowage bays componet is something that got cut from the book. Certainly there is no mention that cargo bays are required for trade endeavours. Personally as a GM I'd say that all ships have at least stowage bays. As a player I'd want a cargo hold of some sort. (All though a Luxury Quarters, and Trophy room makes more sense point wise.)