Converting of Throne Income to PF?

By SgtSmackface, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

I'm a player in a game where the GM is giving us tons of thrones/month, we own planets and I personally own a fleet of frigates. To make the purchase of ships easier to handle and less time consuming and painful to my vault of thrones on a gun cutter (don't judge me only the Emperor can do that!) What would you do for a rough conversion?

I understand that PF is a measurement of influence, income, and hard thrones to spend. I'm in the process of trying to become a living saint (faith powers and murdering a greater daemon oughtta do it I think) so I'd have considerable pull, at least in the future, and I make 590k thrones/month. My thoughts on this is that my income should be about 30-40 PF and then once I get the status of being a living saint, that it'd be bumped to maybe 60-70. Thoughts? Comments, concerns?

You're talking about retooling the entire economy of 40k. You'll be giving a value to everything. What would I do? I'd use PF and Smackface the GM that wanted me to tally up all those 0's.

Ok, all jokes aside, I still wouldn't do it. I perfectly understand the desire for something more concrete, but this is a situation where abstraction is your friend.

Yeah, I get that the abstracts are my friend, unfortunately the GM requires these concretes for the situation :/

What do you think about the hard and fast about 1 PF for every 15000 thrones/month?

Good luck on that. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Okay, I might know where to begin. Let's see. A plasma gun weighs about 25 pounds. It costs 3000 thrones (in the old system). A Sword-class frigate weighs about 6 megatonnes and it's drives take up about one-fourth of that space, so let's say 1.5 megatonnes. No, I'm not about to get into whether the author's knew anything about relative mass. I'm just throwing some really wild numbers around. So a Sword-class frigate-sized plasma gun would cost about...

1,500,000 * 2200 (guessing metric tonnes?)/25 * 3000 = ???????

You sure you don't want to reconsider smacking your GM?

About 400 billion thrones....for the drives. Of course, there's a lot of wild assumptions made there, but you're going to make to make some wild assumptions.

Now for the remaining 3/4 of the ship? Well that's a start. Good luck on the rest.

Edited by Errant Knight

Too bad it's over the internet because I would smack him. We are using the rule of a basic frigate costing 1 million thrones and I used your weight system as before but I hate doing all the math each time, not to mention it's just all that much more simplistic to use Profit Factor. I'm going to get the GM to just issue us a minor warrant at this point, maybe taken from a heretical rogue trader we track down and purge, and use the rogue trade book rules for it. Thanks for the input however, kind of enlightened me on the absolutes being absolutely unusable!

1 million throne for a frigate? That's preposterous! That's the cost of 333.3 plasma guns. Then again, FFG writers were only one order of magnitude off from that estimate, given that 2000 plasma guns are equally as difficult to acquire as the Sword-class frigate (both -40 to acquire).

Go figure.

good thing this topic came up again. I had almost forgotten it.

Every year, Forbes tries to evaluate and list the world's wealthiest people, the 500 companies, and a host of other such things...all because people want numbers and rankings. People obsess on the trivial and ignore the ramifications. What do you measure when determining the biggest company? Net profit? Total revenue? The value of total of inventory, investment, and capital? What about the number of people employed and their wages? Isn't that part of the overall economic benefit? And how do you determine an individual's wealth when so many of the wealthiest are heavily invested in paper that changes value every hour?

If it's that hard to determine the actual value of people and businesses whose value is counted in mere billions of USD, how much harder is it to value a Rogue Trader Dynasty, whose ship is worth more than that? PF was a great idea. The new Influence used in DH 2.0 is probably better, though I admit having only skimmed it once.