Which preview will be out today?

By Mu0n729, in X-Wing

I thought we'd already settled on naming it "Danger Zone".

That works on multiple levels.

I thought we'd already settled on naming it "Danger Zone".

That works on multiple levels.

I am fickle, and I approve of this decision

After seeing Aaron Bonner (Spelling) run that against 2 tlt Y's and Corran Horn last night i have to say, ive never thought about running literally any rebel list... but i might.

I thought we'd already settled on naming it "Danger Zone".

That works on multiple levels.

I am fickle, and I approve of this decision

As does Kenny Loggins.

I thought we'd already settled on naming it "Danger Zone".

That works on multiple levels.

I am fickle, and I approve of this decision

As does Kenny Loggins.

As does Archer.


it's not TLT dominance

unlike the 2-ship skew thanks to prior M.O.V nonsense, TLT really doesn't have a leg to stand on other than being a very solid upgrade

what we're seeing here is good old fashioned variety, and it's beautiful

as for thrusters vrs 3cpo, thrusters actually requires skill beyond "guess zero" to trigger ;)

C3po just feels filthy, especially on Miranda ^_^

Geussing we'll agree to disagree on this and I'm fine with that if you are.

Sigh... I thought maybe this hour mark that just passed, with Xwing worlds wrapping up and all, they would spoil the last created Paul Heaver card or something....

it's not TLT dominance

unlike the 2-ship skew thanks to prior M.O.V nonsense, TLT really doesn't have a leg to stand on other than being a very solid upgrade

what we're seeing here is good old fashioned variety, and it's beautiful

as for thrusters vrs 3cpo, thrusters actually requires skill beyond "guess zero" to trigger ;)

C3po just feels filthy, especially on Miranda ^_^

I don't consider being where your opponent wants you to be anyway because of his turret, or at long range, as "skill" to get thrusters online. On the contrary the skill required to fly against them is an order of magnitude greater in my opinion. To counter thrusters I have to get my decidedly not joust ready ship into range 1-2 and facing you. And at one of those ranges I'm not working optimally myself anyway (which increment that is depending on the ship I'm in.) So I put myself down just to get you to normal in most cases, after pulling off what would normally be considered some darn decent flying. Now maybe it's not as bad when your also in a jousting ship, but then there's just a whole lot of nothing going on when your at range three of each other and it just drags on, which gets frustratingly boring.

Geussing we'll agree to disagree on this and I'm fine with that if you are.

My feeling on Autothrusters is that it is obnoxious, but it screws Turretwing players hard so that's great and more than makes up for it.

Also, 5x Autothruster Alpha is boss.

Also, 5x Autothruster Alpha is boss.

Yes. Yes it is.

I wanna see that card that Paul has designed which comes with wave 8!

Actually I wanna see anything at all, no matter what tbh ... we have to pay for all those naysayers who complained that they spoiled way too many cards last wave <_<

Also, 5x Autothruster Alpha is boss.

Yes. Yes it is.

Also, 5x Autothruster Alpha is boss.

Yes. Yes it is.

No, it's.... not?

Besides being incredibly hard to get IRL, because they decided not to include Alpha squadrons in Imperial Aces, it's just ... meh. I like my Alphas, but I wouldn't fly just those.

Your loss!

Today is the day. I can feel it!

Today is the day. I can feel it!

All senses are in overdrive. It tastes like Friday, and smells like X-Wing news...

Article saying Paul is the champ and spoiling of his card from last year, I would assume.

Article saying Paul is the champ and spoiling of his card from last year, I would assume.

Mistakenly dated as having been written last week. Conspiracy to follow.

FFG pls

You know what would shock and awe this forum? Two X-Wing articles today.

Just sayin' is all.

the player behind that list is basically proving that jousting values don't mean **** if you can milk that crew slot and SLAM maneuverability for all it's worth :o

That is kind of what jousting values tell you. Your ship has X% quantifiable value. If it is less than 100, that ship must have other less quantifiable factors that make up the points difference. SLAM, turret, pilot abilities, repositioning, etc.

This is why it is easy to say generic T-65s are bad - they have almost nothing that is unquantifiable, and their jousting numbers are poor. Conversely, it is not easy to say K-Wings are bad because they have numerous less quantifiable elements - SLAM, turret, crew shenanigans.

Jousting values are just a baseline to understand how "overcosted" a ship is in raw firepower and durability. If a ship is overcosted by 4 points jousting, do I feel it has 4 points worth of intangibles?


Edited by Rakky Wistol

You know what would shock and awe this forum? Two X-Wing articles today.

Just sayin' is all.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here!


That word...

I need a website where I can GPS track the boat with the Gozanti in real time, bonus chatroom.

I bet we'd get the same crowd shooting off in that room nonstop.

The last ship leak on the X-wing news page is on the second page.

September 10th was the last time we saw something new.

Please, FFG!

At least show us a photo of the boats carrying their shipments!