Which preview will be out today?

By Mu0n729, in X-Wing

400th post, and Mu0n Don't forget the other Tie pilots!!! those are important Gozanti upgrades.

I think this thread trumps the length of the Fat Turret rage posts of waves 5 and 6

400th post, and Mu0n Don't forget the other Tie pilots!!! those are important Gozanti upgrades.

YOU DARE IMPLY that I forget things for the module!!!!?????


400th post, and Mu0n Don't forget the other Tie pilots!!! those are important Gozanti upgrades.

YOU DARE IMPLY that I forget things for the module!!!!?????


never! (but just making sure)

please forgive me for my transgressions

We got a preview for Star Wars: Axis and Allies.

We got a preview for Star Wars: Axis and Allies.

Hahahaha, no, It's Twilight Imperium III.

And it looks glorious. And a game I can probably take to a con that'll appeal to both the board gamers AND the mini gamers.

We got a preview for Star Wars: Axis and Allies.

It looks nearly identical to the PC game of the same name, which was very good.

It looks pretty good honestly. It'd be a no brainer acquisition but I already have:

-The Battle at Kemble's Cascade

-Forbidden Stars

-Space Hulk 4th edition

-Twilight Imperium 3rd edition + 2 extensions

that don't hit the table enough for me.

I wonder how FFG and Hasbro and Disney are dealing with the board game license these days?

Top 'o the morning to you guys.

Not to get everyones hopes up, but I asked on the Worlds twitch stream about any X-wing previews, and they gave me an awesome generic answer of "Check our website for any updates".


...or not.


*hopes are up*

Not to get everyones hopes up, but I asked on the Worlds twitch stream about any X-wing previews, and they gave me an awesome generic answer of "Check our website for any updates".


...or not.

Let me guess... they'll give us a preview of the new playmats.... <_<

We want new units **** it!!!!


*hopes are up*

Calm down Stewie...


Also seriously? Just, no news whatsoever today. I'm sure everyone is busy with World's but maaaaaannnnnn

Day 1 is about playing the game. Day 2 is about The Future (and crowning a World Champion, obviously).

The new Star Wars: K-Wing Tactician Miniatures Game.

The new Star Wars: K-Wing Tactician Miniatures Game.

I thought you'd be pleased that it's no longer the Star Wars: Fat Pancake Ice Cream Face Miniatures Game?

The new Star Wars: K-Wing Tactician Miniatures Game.

I thought you'd be pleased that it's no longer the Star Wars: Fat Pancake Ice Cream Face Miniatures Game?

I am happy. When the large ship MoV nerf happened, I made sure to post a picture from the 30's/40's of Japanese soldiers gleefully cheering and raising their weapons. :D

I'm not sure the move to TLT dominance is considered an improvement. Today's meta has a variety of ships, granted. But go through the top sixteen looking for Autothrusters or TLTs and then tell me we have a diverse meta.

Out off curiosity, with as much complaining as went on with Threepio, why aren't there more complaints about the strictly better Autothrusters?

it's not TLT dominance

unlike the 2-ship skew thanks to prior M.O.V nonsense, TLT really doesn't have a leg to stand on other than being a very solid upgrade

what we're seeing here is good old fashioned variety, and it's beautiful

as for thrusters vrs 3cpo, thrusters actually requires skill beyond "guess zero" to trigger ;)

C3po just feels filthy, especially on Miranda ^_^

I mean the T-70 and F/o are on the boat. thats something right guys?

Sidenote FGD: K Cubed or 3K is doing pretty well, i believe is 6-0 last i checked

thats miranda with TLT and Tact with x2 Warden same loadout.

Edited by Panic 217

I mean the T-70 and F/o are on the boat. thats something right guys?

Sidenote FGD: K Cubed or 3K is doing pretty well, i believe is 6-0 last i checked

thats miranda with TLT and Tact with x2 Warden same loadout.

"Panic" is the appropriate title for panic attack 2.0 :D

I'm honestly astounded by the appearance of that list. Apart from Miranda, Ks are absolute garbage i.t.o stat-cost efficiency

the player behind that list is basically proving that jousting values don't mean **** if you can milk that crew slot and SLAM maneuverability for all it's worth :o

sad thing is I also wanted to troll my local meta with 3 Ks, but they all have seismic charges. Now it won't be as surprising :(

Edited by ficklegreendice