Just a very, very tiny help

By Hemux, in Android

Hi there,

Man, our game was great two days ago : conspiracy barely uncovered, and suspects had incredibly close guilty results (something like 4, 3, 2, that kind).

But someone asked me a few questions during the game, extremely simple ones...... although I found myself miserably dumb when asked : I couldn't pinpoint the precise parts in the rules booklet that would give me the answers to prove to that guy I was right about these very basic topics :

- Why a hand limit of 6 ?

- and why a starting TIME limit to 6 ?

- and why two "-1" Trauma tokens when asked to "gain 2 traumas" and not randomly drawing "two trauma tokens" that could possibly then become "-3 + -3".

Three awful simple questions. But man, the flu I got these days probably got me weaker, and so didn't help me reading with caution the rules and Faq booklets, so... if someone could give me something like the pages, or something ? Please ?

Anyway, like this game. Waiting for a 2nd edition or an expansion. And friends that understand english better, gee.


Hem said:

- Why a hand limit of 6 ?

- and why a starting TIME limit to 6 ?

- and why two "-1" Trauma tokens when asked to "gain 2 traumas" and not randomly drawing "two trauma tokens" that could possibly then become "-3 + -3"

If you're asking where to find those rules I can point you to to some pages, but as for why, no one can answer but the designer himself.

1. Page 13 says you can't draw more cards if you have six cards (Except Raymond). The designer himself have confirmed that the hand limit is six but I don't feel like searching for that. Remember, there is no draw-first-then-discard-down-to-hand-limit system like in many other games. If your hand is full, you can't draw a card. Period.

2. Page 12 says you have 6 time.

3. Page 6: "Three –1 VP counters may be traded in for one –3 VP counter if more trauma counters are needed."

Thanks a lot Hipsu, thats exactly what I needed : the quotes ! thanks again, I ll check that tonight at home.