Legend of Five Rings Story telling continued in FFG?

By fanficwarper, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I'm actually relatively new to Legend of the Five Rings, and only played the RPG a few times with my brother and some friends. With Fantasy Flight acquiring this particular brand, I'm excited to see what they might do with Great Clans in this card game. I've only started getting into LCGs of Fantasy flight, but so far I like netrunner and I'm about to try Lord of the Rings.

That being said, one thing I do know about AEG's handling of the canon of Legend of the Five Rings, was based on deck stylings (like which clan was favored and won), to tell the story of Rokugan. Will FFG continue something of the same?

If so, I'd be more inclined to participate in regular tournaments and make efforts to travel just to see the story unfold.

This is my first posting so forgive me for any mistakes or just not knowing as much as some others may know.

We literally have no idea.

The interactive story of L5R was a key feature of the game, so it hopefully stays in some form, but don't expect that it will remain to the same extent it has been. So, we mostly have to wait and find out in two years how FFG is planning to handle this.

Reply hazy, ask again later.