CCG Checklists?

By Exdant, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So, I'm uber excited about the new direction for the game. I've played casually on and off since Gold and the LCG format will be much more conducive to my playgroup. With the interim time off until the LCG launches, I thought I might go about assembling a set of all of the old cards, now that it is a closed circle.

My question is, does anyone have or know of checklists for the CCG sets? I've checked Oracle, which doesn't seem capable of exporting lists, and I've come across a few PDFs of recent sets, but nothing that would lend itself to this kind of task. Excel or CSV files that could be sorted and rearranged as I go would be amazing.

Any help is appreciated!

Card Vault by Lone Wold Development has L5R support but is a windows only program. I have said before that if Mac support were added I would maintain deck lists for many of the LCGs for them.

Edited by Tekwych

If/when the L5R forums come back, there is a thread/excel file for all the cards.