Q: Event - Technological Advance

By player377182, in StarCraft

This says reduce a cost by 1. Can the cost be reduced to 0 or is the minimum 1.

Also, since event cards are revealed (8) AFTER I Retreive Workers(4), can I use the reclaimed workers to purchase the new tech?

(I suppose this would also apply to the building discount card).



yes, it may be reduced to zero and no further and yes - as whenever you pay for anything during gameplay, you must apply avaliable workers from your pool to the relevant resource pools.

I concur. This is an Event Card that simply gives you the option to purchase a new technology at a reduced cost, without having to place a Research order token to do so. This, in turn, allows you to place another order token that would otherwise not have been available to play, because you would have needed to play a Research token in order to have gained this new technology. Plus, who doesn't like a good discount? The cost still needs to be paid, though, and it is done with the workers that you are about to allocate in the next round of the game (unless, of course, you get a technology at no cost, after the discount).

As with any technology purchase, don't forget to check the number of dots on the bottom of the card so that you can be sure that you grab ALL of the matching technology cards (for the price on just ONE of the cards) and shuffle them into your Combat Deck.

Sometimes, the easiest rules are the easiest to forget.

So with this card I can get Bunker, Lockdown or Spider mines technology for free ???

As they all only cost 1 ressource this is correct, you get it for free and shuffle it into your deck afterwards

1. you get 1 cost tech for free

2.event card step is after retrieve worker step

so you always can pay that cost

but next turn u start with less worker ^-^