Story and Campaign ideas

By Malkavianmadman, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Ok im just gonna kick this off by saying if you think youve got a good idea why not put it here?

Here are mine:

* Someone the RT knows (who is also a RT) offers them a job helping them bring in the bounty on a pirate vessel, something happens which causes the allied vessel to be destroyed. The other RT comes back as a nemisis.

* The crew come upon a massive warship which decemates them causing them to do a boarding action to stop the ship before they lose theirs.

*and finally a long range comms signal asking for help which leads to a swampy moon with a crashed imperial cruiser.

will post more as i can

you could use an old "STC" template ship that everyone wants-and it either gets destroyed before anyone can claim it.

or what I did with my group-an ork pirate boss, who has a mystery background-(he escaped from a lab-that made him smart accidently) I know they dont read these forums, so they must retrieve him back-but he is growing a large army very fast. Something that I will also use in 40k games.


I have been thinking about new ideas and one of the ones that came to mind was, a shipwrecked crew on a backwater planet. The PC's are the survivors and now have to figure out how to get back to civilization, but of course there are numerous obstacles in the way...

1. I was thinking of some kind of pirate base on the planet that has been plundering ships in the area for sometime, now the pc's have stumbled upon the base...

2. A cult of some sort is using the locals to do some mining for something, a lost artifact perhaps. Problem is that the RT crew know that there are not supposed to be any locals here....

3. The wreckage of a Ork ship is here, there are some orks who have survived, but they cannot repair the ship. The RT crew by themselves cannot crew the ship..what to do?

Just some ideas I have been pondering.

The players embark on an Endeavor to recover a hulk. Upon reaching and exploring the hulk, they discover it is a Space Marine vessel. The ship, although heavily damaged, could be brought back to life if they can figure out how to tow it back to a port. Or they could plunder several Components of inestimable value and call it good. Two problems though...

If they did manage to get it to port and the Space Marine Chapter it once belonged to found out, they're likely to want it back...

Secondly, while exploring the vessel, a cryo-crypt in the Apothecarium component was opened and discovered to contain 10 stasis tubes each containing a GeneSeed.

If you read the other post about "RT's getting Geneseed" then you'll have dozens of ideas of what could happen should the news get out. Depending on what the players do with it, it could spell disaster or Grand-Endeavor Profit windfalls.

Some twists:

Could be a well-known Chapter, a now-Renegade Chapter or an Unknown Chapter (say...2nd Legion? :) ) The possibilities for an extended Campaign are astounding!

Rogue Traders can and do command Space Marines. Yes, actual Astartes. Depending on circumstances, your players might wind up choosing as a reward for their Endeavor a +5 Profit Factor OR a squad of their very own Space Marines granted as a boon from a very grateful Space Marine Commander....

A group of civilian is stuck out on some back water planet which is under attack.
The Rogue Trader helps the people out and with a small fleet they escape the planet, being chased all the way back to Scintella.
The enemy of course has sleeper agent on board the ships and they will sabotage and hinder...

Sounds familiar?

Maxim C. Gatling said:

The players embark on an Endeavor to recover a hulk. Upon reaching and exploring the hulk, they discover it is a Space Marine vessel. The ship, although heavily damaged, could be brought back to life if they can figure out how to tow it back to a port. Or they could plunder several Components of inestimable value and call it good. Two problems though...

If they did manage to get it to port and the Space Marine Chapter it once belonged to found out, they're likely to want it back...

Secondly, while exploring the vessel, a cryo-crypt in the Apothecarium component was opened and discovered to contain 10 stasis tubes each containing a GeneSeed.

If you read the other post about "RT's getting Geneseed" then you'll have dozens of ideas of what could happen should the news get out. Depending on what the players do with it, it could spell disaster or Grand-Endeavor Profit windfalls.

Some twists:

Could be a well-known Chapter, a now-Renegade Chapter or an Unknown Chapter (say...2nd Legion? :) ) The possibilities for an extended Campaign are astounding!

Rogue Traders can and do command Space Marines. Yes, actual Astartes. Depending on circumstances, your players might wind up choosing as a reward for their Endeavor a +5 Profit Factor OR a squad of their very own Space Marines granted as a boon from a very grateful Space Marine Commander....


I wish I had thought of that (that won't stop me from stealing it, though)! Genius! When I finally get my head around the rules, I intend to run a campaign out on the Eastern Fringe with Ultramarines Captain Galenus, the Master of the Marches, playing a fairly significant role. I could see the Rogue Trader that returns the lost Geneseed to the chapter gaining the title "Margrave of Ultramar" - that would certainly intimidate any rivals. Though any Hulks on the Eastern Fringe are likely to contain Genestealers... as would the Rogue Trader's vessel once he/the party returned to it...

Pure awesomeness!

Loving some of the ideas so far.

Another thought i had was finding the hulk of a remilis (sp?) class star fortress....and while exploring it possibly having the relictors aboard

I know what I'd do. I'd try to keep the ship (Imperial Law is pretty clear about salvage) and trade back the geneseed to the original Chapter. Of course that Chapter could be very distant or even a fleet based one, making finding a difficult proposition.

MDMann said:

I know what I'd do. I'd try to keep the ship (Imperial Law is pretty clear about salvage) and trade back the geneseed to the original Chapter. Of course that Chapter could be very distant or even a fleet based one, making finding a difficult proposition.

The Space Marines' position in the Imperium, however, means that they are above most laws - I think successful salvage/use would depend on the nature of the chapter in question - some would respect your right while others would blast you to smithereens for the affront to their honor.

MDMann said:

I know what I'd do. I'd try to keep the ship (Imperial Law is pretty clear about salvage) and trade back the geneseed to the original Chapter. Of course that Chapter could be very distant or even a fleet based one, making finding a difficult proposition.

Where do you get that from ?

The only thing I know about Imperium salvage law is from the forsaken bounty preview mission. It that case not only did the RT require someone acting on his behalf to get permission for the salvage, the salvage permission came with a strange clause: The RT had to be the first to step foot on the vessel, otherwise the salvage claim became invalid.

A strike cruiser is simply a heavily armored cruiser, and not really too special. What makes it special is the marines inside. Keeping it would lead to all manner of issues with everyone who sees it. What PCs might want to salvage might be bombardment cannons, or any teleporter tech before handing it over. Personally I think a strike cruiser is really worth more in terms of good will.

Share as many as you cam brother cause i wanna run RT but im not really knowledgable in the 40K universe. If this were Iron Kingdoms (the warmachine RPG) i'd have

I am slightly sadistic, I am going to toss my guys right into the fire from the word go. I am working on having them all awaken in a holding room aboard a ship, look around, see one another, and them come to a slightly scary thought, they don't know who anyone else or themselves are.

At that point, ork/ 'nids kick the door in, and it's a desperate fight to the hanger bay where a ship lays waiting for them. Of course, if they make if away, a mysterious aid will help them with clues and hints are to what's going on. But it will be a break neck race against time and something that no one will be willing to fully divulge to them.

I plan on at least one situation where the PCs shuttle/guncutter is shotdown over a feral/death world. Their ship can't rescue them as the planet unexpectly has an etire bomber wing as a defensive force. The PCs must travel over land for weeks/months. Disable the enemy fighter base, and steal a shuttle to rejoin their ship. (Then most likely scheme horrible death from orbit for the natives...)

After a furious fight, the Eldar Corsair ships attempt to flee, but one of them doesn't make it. On board is a treasure trove filled with Eldar Spirit stones. And a human prisoner who knows how to find a Craftworld. The spirit stones could be worth a lot at the Craftworld, but getting there would be hard (Eldar Ghostship encounter?) and the reception would be frosty at best. Of course, the freed prisoner has her own reason for visiting the craftworld...

Build an NPC ships officer, make him/her competant, likerble and useful (them saving a characters life is quite good) have the PC's trust him/her absolutely then one day have him/her go all out to try to murder one of the PC's or sabotage the ship. If they kill him/her or manage to subdue him what will they find, is he/her a carefully constructed Janus Simulacra sevitor (has he/she been abducted/killed and this thing left in their place or were they never truely human) or has the officer been altered by a psyker (or were they always an assasin with a deep mental block or were they just that good of an actor), or has the officer been possessed or replaced by a shapeshifting alien or a callidus assasain truely the choice is yours and gives a good springboard to an investigation/confrontation adventure.

A Xenos warship attacks the RT's ship teleporting a team of terrifying warriors over who manage to hack their way through any and all opposition towards your RT's trophy room........ Will your RT be able to stop them and even if they do what about the warship! What were they after? Who were they and where did they come from?

A rival rogue trader has been taking high paying colonists to a paradise planet for years now and it must be fantastic as no one ever seems to want to come back..... Where is this planet? What is he doing with all these colonists, is he doing as he says, shiping them as slave labour to a hell hole mining planet, selling them to xenos or throwing them out of the airlocks? What when you find out are you going to do about it?

A planetary govenor offers you money to rid his system of pirates allowing him to trade freely...... Will you do as he says and take the money? Will you bargin with the pirates so you and only you can trade with the planet (for a cut of the profits naturally)? Will you trade with the planet and rely on your guns to keep the pirates at bay?

What kind of stats might a live and healthy Space Marine have? Not his armour; I can already figure that out.

From another thread:

N0-1_H3r3 said:

I've put together the following. I plan to add more - sergeants and veterans and so forth - but these are the first few steps along the path (as per the current Codex: Space Marines, a Marine trains as a Devastator first, then as an Assault Marine, and then combines what he's learnt as both and becomes a Tactical Marine).

Scout Marine
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
38 38 33(6) 33(6) 35 33 33 33 33

Movement: 3/6/9/18; Wounds: 16

Skills : Awareness (Per), Ciphers (War Cant) (Int), Climb (S), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (War) (Int), Concealment (Ag), Demolition (Int), Dodge (Ag), Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag), Intimidate (S), Medicae (Int), Silent Move (Ag), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (native), Survival (Int), Swim (S), Tech-Use (Int), Tracking (Int)

Talents: Basic Weapon Training (SP, Bolt), Double Team, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Needle Rifle), Fearless, Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt, Launcher), Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Light Sleeper, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Bolt), Rapid Reload, Total Recall, True Grit.

Traits: Spit Acid (as per Corrosive Bile mutation), Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2)
Weapons: Astartes Bolt Pistol (35m; S/2/—; 2d10 X; Pen 5; Clip 10; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable), 3x Frag Grenades (18m; S/-/-; 2d10+2 X; Blast (5)), 3 Krak Grenades (18m; S/-/-; 2d10+6 X; Pen 6) and one of the following:
• Astartes Bolter (100m; S/3/-; 2d10 X; Pen 5; Clip 28; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable)
• Automatic Combat Shotgun (30m; S/3/-; 1d10+4 I; Clip 18; Rld Full; Scatter)
• Mono-Sword (1d10+6 R; Pen 2; Balanced)
• Needle Rifle (180m; S/-/-; 1d10 R; Clip 6; Rld 2Full; Accurate, Toxic)
• Heavy Bolter with Bipod (120m; -/-/10; 2d10 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Rld 2Full; Tearing)

Armour: Scout Carapace Armour (Arms 6, Body 6, Legs 6)

Equipment: Rebreather, Photo-visor, Comm-Bead, Chameleoline cloak, Magnoculars, two bolt pistol magazines, two magazines for additional ranged weapon (if applicable).

Threat Rating: Hereticus Minoris

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
38 38 53(8) 33(6) 35 33 33 33 33

Movement: 4/8/12/24; Wounds: 16

Skills: Awareness (Per), Ciphers (War Cant) (Int), Climb (S), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (War) (Int), Concealment (Ag), Demolition (Int), Dodge (Ag), Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag), Intimidate (S), Medicae (Int), Silent Move (Ag), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (native), Survival (Int), Swim (S), Tech-Use (Int), Tracking (Int)

Talents: Basic Weapon Training (SP, Bolt), Double Team, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Needle Rifle), Fearless, Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt, Launcher), Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Light Sleeper, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Bolt), Rapid Reload, Total Recall, True Grit.

Traits: Spit Acid (as per Corrosive Bile mutation), Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2)

Weapons: Astartes Bolt Pistol (35m; S/2/—; 2d10 X; Pen 5; Clip 10; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable), 3x Frag Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+2 X; Blast (5)), 3 Krak Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+6 X; Pen 6), Astartes Bolter (100m; S/3/-; 2d10 X; Pen 5; Clip 28; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable), Combat Knife (1d5+8; Pen 2)

Armour: Astartes Power Armour (All 8)

Equipment: Two bolt pistol magazines, two bolter magazines, armour systems and autosenses.

Threat Rating: Hereticus Minoris

Devastator Marine
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
38 43 58(8) 38(6) 35 33 38 38 33

Movement: 4/8/12/24; Wounds: 18

Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Ciphers (War Cant) (Int), Climb (S), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (War) (Int), Concealment (Ag), Demolition (Int), Dodge (Ag), Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag), Intimidate (S), Medicae (Int), Silent Move (Ag), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (native), Survival (Int), Swim (S), Tech-Use (Int) +10, Tracking (Int)

Talents: Basic Weapon Training (SP, Bolt), Double Team, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Needle Rifle), Fearless, Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma), Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Light Sleeper, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Mighty Shot, Pistol Training (Bolt), Rapid Reload, Total Recall, True Grit.

Traits: Spit Acid (as per Corrosive Bile mutation), Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2)

Weapons: Astartes Bolt Pistol (35m; S/2/—; 2d10+2 X; Pen 5; Clip 10; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable), 3x Frag Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+2 X; Blast (5)), 3 Krak Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+6 X; Pen 6), Combat Knife (1d5+8; Pen 2) and any one of the following:
• Heavy Bolter (120m; -/-/10; 2d10+2 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Rld 2Full; Tearing)
• Lascannon (300m; S/-/-; 5d10+12 E; Pen 10; Clip 5; Rld 2Full)
• Missile Launcher with Frag (250m; S/-/-; 2d10+6 X; Blast (6); Clip 1; Rld Full) and Krak (250m; S/-/-; 4d10+10 X; Pen 12; Clip 1; Rld Full) Missiles.
• Multi-Melta (60m; S/-/-; 5d10+12 E; Pen 16; Clip 10; Rld 2Full; Blast (2))
• Plasma Cannon (180m; S/-/-; 3d10+12 E; Pen 8; Clip 24; Rld 2Full; Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Blast (4)) or (180m; S/-/-; 5d10+12 E; Pen 8; Clip 1; Rld 2Full; Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Blast (4)) on full power.

Armour: Astartes Power Armour (All 8)

Equipment: Two bolt pistol magazines, two magazines for heavy weapon (4 frag missiles, 4 krak missiles for Missile Launcher), armour systems and autosenses, Targeter for Heavy Weapon.

Threat Rating: Hereticus Majoris

Assault Marine
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
43 43 58(8) 38(6) 40 33 38 38 33

Movement: 5/10/15/30; Wounds: 20

Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Ciphers (War Cant) (Int), Climb (S), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (War) (Int) +10, Concealment (Ag), Demolition (Int), Dodge (Ag) +10, Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag) +10, Drive (Skimmer) (Ag), Intimidate (S), Medicae (Int), Pilot (Jump Pack) (Ag), Silent Move (Ag), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (native), Survival (Int), Swim (S), Tech-Use (Int) +10, Tracking (Int)

Talents : Basic Weapon Training (SP, Bolt, Flame), Crushing Blow, Double Team, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Needle Rifle), Fearless, Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma), Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Light Sleeper, Melee Weapon Training (Chain, Primitive), Mighty Shot, Pistol Training (Bolt, Plasma), Rapid Reload, Total Recall, True Grit.

Traits: Spit Acid (as per Corrosive Bile mutation), Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2)

Weapons: Astartes Bolt Pistol (35m; S/2/—; 2d10+2 X; Pen 5; Clip 10; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable), 3x Frag Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+2 X; Blast (5)), 3 Krak Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+6 X; Pen 6), Combat Knife (1d5+10 R; Pen 2) and Chainsword (1d10+10 R; Pen 2; Tearing)

Armour: Astartes Power Armour (All 8)

Equipment: Two bolt pistol magazines, armour systems and autosenses, Jump Pack

Threat Rating: Hereticus Majoris

Tactical Marine
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
43 43 58(8) 38(6) 40 38 38 38 38

Movement: 5/10/15/30; Wounds: 22

Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Ciphers (War Cant) (Int), Climb (S), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (War) (Int) +10, Concealment (Ag), Demolition (Int), Dodge (Ag) +10, Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag) +10, Drive (Skimmer) (Ag), Intimidate (S), Medicae (Int), Silent Move (Ag), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (native), Survival (Int) +10, Swim (S), Tech-Use (Int) +10, Tracking (Int) +10
Talents: Basic Weapon Training (SP, Bolt, Flame, Plasma, Melta), Crushing Blow, Double Team, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Needle Rifle), Fearless, Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma), Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Light Sleeper, Melee Weapon Training (Chain, Primitive), Mighty Shot, Pistol Training (Bolt), Rapid Reload, Total Recall, True Grit.

Traits: Spit Acid (as per Corrosive Bile mutation), Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2)

Weapons : Astartes Bolt Pistol (35m; S/2/—; 2d10+2 X; Pen 5; Clip 10; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable), 3x Frag Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+2 X; Blast (5)), 3 Krak Grenades (24m; S/-/-; 2d10+6 X; Pen 6), Combat Knife (1d5+10 R; Pen 2) and one of the following:
• Astartes Bolter (100m; S/3/-; 2d10 X; Pen 5; Clip 28; Rld Full; Tearing, Reliable)
• Flamer (30m; S/-/-; 1d10+6 E; Pen 4; Clip 6; Rld 2Full; Flame)
• Plasma Gun (100m; S/2/-; 2d10+8 E; Pen 6; Clip 20; Rld 2Full; Unreliable, Recharge)
• Meltagun (30m; S/-/-; 3d10+7 E; Pen 12; Clip 8; Rld 2Full)
• Heavy Bolter (120m; -/-/10; 2d10+2 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Rld 2Full; Tearing)
• Lascannon (300m; S/-/-; 5d10+12 E; Pen 10; Clip 5; Rld 2Full)
• Missile Launcher with Frag (250m; S/-/-; 2d10+6 X; Blast (6); Clip 1; Rld Full) and Krak (250m; S/-/-; 4d10+10 X; Pen 12; Clip 1; Rld Full) Missiles.
• Multi-Melta (60m; S/-/-; 5d10+12 E; Pen 16; Clip 10; Rld 2Full; Blast (2))
• Plasma Cannon (180m; S/-/-; 3d10+12 E; Pen 8; Clip 24; Rld 2Full; Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Blast (4)) or (180m; S/-/-; 5d10+12 E; Pen 8; Clip 1; Rld 2Full; Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Blast (4)) on full power.

Armour: Astartes Power Armour (All 8)

Equipment: Two bolt pistol magazines, two magazines for primary weapon (4 frag missiles, 4 krak missiles for Missile Launcher, 4 magazines for Bolter), armour systems and autosenses.

Threat Rating: Hereticus Majoris

The 'armour systems and autosenses' are as follows:

Armour Systems:

* Food/Water supply sufficient for 6 weeks,
* Oxygen supply and air filtration unit: counts as Gas Mask and Rebreather; Rebreather has sufficient air for 18 hours and self-replenishes in an atmosphere.
* De-tox auto-injector with 5 doses.
* Self-Contained/Self-Regulated Atmosphere: Wearer suffers no penalties for extreme cold or heat, and is immune to the effects of vacuum so long as all parts of the armour are worn.
* Magnetic/semi-adhesive boots: +10 to Agility Tests made to maintain footing in treacherous or slick environments, can walk normally in low or zero-gravity.
* Thermal waste dissipaters: can be used as limited manoeuvring thrusters in zero-gravity, allowing the wearer to propel himself with a Movement of 6.


* Thought-activated multi-frequency comm-link (can also be used with helm grille as voice amplifier)
* Infra-red goggles
* Photo-visor
* Chrono
* Magnoculars
* Auspex
* Armour and weapon status (+20 on all tests to repair armour and weapons - both Tech-Use tests and BS tests to un-jam weapons)
* Biological readouts (transmitted to brethren in the field; improves the difficulty of Medicae tests performed by other Astartes by one step)
* Audio filtering system (+20 on hearing-based Perception tests, immune to the deleterious effects of sudden loud noises, etc)
* Weapon autosense link (can see and aim from a weapon's integral auto-sight, +10 BS when Aiming)

As with normal Power Armour, it grants 8 AP to all locations, increases the wearer's size to Hulking (increased movement included above), and adds +20 to the wearer's strength. Following the way Brother-Sergeant Agamorr's Strength Bonus appears to have been calculated in Purge the Unclean, this increase in Strength appears to be applied after Unnatural Strength is figured out, so a Strength 38 Space Marine in his armour (Strength 58) has a Strength Bonus of 8 ((3x2)+2) instead of the 10 a Strength 58 creature with Unnatural Strength (x2) would normally have. If you choose to interpret it differently (using the total strength score for Unnatural Strength), then increase all the above-listed Strength bonuses by 2. In the above NPC profiles, Strength scores modified by armour are marked in Italics.

Finally, all of the above damage values listed for weapons include any bonuses for the Mighty Shot and Crushing Blow talents.

They were written before I got my copy of Rogue Trader, so they could do with a little tweaking and changing to account for things in Rogue Trader (such as Universal weapon proficiencies), and they use my old houserules for plasma and melta weapons (+1d10 damage to all basic and pistol plasma and melta weapons - with plasma weapons, this is now made irrelevant by the rules in the RT book), but they're perfectly usable as-is. All are per my interpretation, and in no way official.

Looks pretty good but have to ask- are Space Marines known to regularly spit acid?

alexkilcoyne said:

Looks pretty good but have to ask- are Space Marines known to regularly spit acid?

With the exception of Imperial Fists successors (who lack the Betcher's Gland implant that gives them this ability), all Astartes have the ability to spit a blinding contact poison which is sufficiently corrosive that a Marine can chew through two-inch-thick steel bars if the situation calls for it.

Ronin84 said:

I have been thinking about new ideas and one of the ones that came to mind was, a shipwrecked crew on a backwater planet. The PC's are the survivors and now have to figure out how to get back to civilization, but of course there are numerous obstacles in the way...

1. I was thinking of some kind of pirate base on the planet that has been plundering ships in the area for sometime, now the pc's have stumbled upon the base...

2. A cult of some sort is using the locals to do some mining for something, a lost artifact perhaps. Problem is that the RT crew know that there are not supposed to be any locals here....

3. The wreckage of a Ork ship is here, there are some orks who have survived, but they cannot repair the ship. The RT crew by themselves cannot crew the ship..what to do?

Just some ideas I have been pondering.

I love number 2 here... The idea of a band of Shapeshifting aliens suddenly turning on the cult who've been using the them makes me think of a few episodes of Doctor Who! It also brings back memories of the Psirens in Red Dwarf...

One of the threads I read (was it yours, Wayfinder? I don't remember) went on a tangent involving a pretty neat discussion on what would happen if a mutant outside the Navis Nobilite developed the gift of navigation...

I haven't worked out the details, but I'm going to start setting it up in my next session. The next time our groups Astropath uses her Astral Telepathy, she will be briefly distracted by a vision: A boy standing on a hill at night, looking up at a sky strewn with stars. Just a flash, and nothing more for a few sessions. Then, when closing on Footfall (and therefore closer to Terra...) The vision is more defined. She is standing beside the boy, and he points up to the night sky. One star shines brighter then the others. When reviewing some star charts our Seneschal will procure, she will recognize the stars in the vision, identifying the brighter one as a hive world in the Calixis Sector (Suggestions as to which? I might make up my own as I don't really know Calixis). Finally, while asleep she will dream she is beside the boy pointing up and speaking to her "Find Cestian Quintus... Kill him". The boy's voice is cold and imperious as an ancient grave, and when she looks down into his eyes she sees the Empire being forged, determination and sorrow, the burden of sainthood. She knows she has been tasked by the Emperor himself.

She'll take this to the rest of the group, and this could be a great role playing moment because she has racked-up more then her share of insanity points and they know it, but word will come through the Maw that the entire hive world in question is under quarantine by the Imperial Navy. Put it together with her insistence and their interest will be peaked...

So the jist of it is that The Navy, the Adeptus Astartes (Thanks for the stats!), the Navis Nobilite, The Adeptus Mechanicus, and maybe some other factions (ideas?) are all on-planet, seeking out Cestian Quintus for their own ends and locking horns in the process. The players have to slip in and kill him before anyone else can get him off world. Cestian Quintus is a mutant with the gift of navigation. Making things more difficult (and Quintus more valuable), he has no physical deformities to easily single him out... no warp eye. On a hive world, the needle in the haystack. Lots of legwork investigation and ducking the various factions involved (as well as playing them against each other and trying to throw them off the trail). The truth about Cestian and why the Adeptus Terra is dangerously close to tearing itself apart over him being revealed as the players close in.

The player's only initial source of information will be an agent of the Astral Knives (or so he claims?) with orders from high up in the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to assist the Astropath in her divine duty, just to get the players started and pop up if they get hopelessly stuck.

Lots of fleshing out to do, plot holes to fill. We have both an Explorator and a Navigator in our party... where will their allegiance lie? What's the local government doing amid all this? What's Cestian Quintus like? Was his mutation truly random? Why has the Emperor chosen my Astropath? How does the Astra Telepathica know about it? Could she convince any of the factions to believe her and ally with her cause? How does it end?

LOL: Dune meets Smokin' Aces!

...and that is what I call a great story idea!

All I can say to that is: 'make it so.'