POLL - How many LCGs are you following?

By Julia, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

(sorry for cross-posting; if you've answered this already on a different board, please do not re-enter your data; I'll be keeping count of the results, and not of the name of the voters)

As per subject; it'd be interesting to see whether people tend to specialize (one or two games max) or to follow the scene in a wider way.

So, if you don't mind, list below the LCGs you're regularly following (no need to buy new packs as soon as they are out; let's say you have at least 70% of the existing material).

If enough answer, I could do some (possibly interesting) statistics

EDIT: I'll close the poll and collect the data on September, 25th.

Edited by Julia

I follow Netrunner faithfully, and went through the first release cycle of WH40K Conquest before I got sick of constantly drawing starting hands that were low on units in a deck that really shouldn't have had that happening so often. So one or two, depending on how you tally stuff that the respondents are done with.

Used to Follow:

A Game of Thrones v 1.0


Currently Follow:

Start Wars LCG

Warhammer 40K: Conquest

Interested In:

A Game of Thrones v 2.0

Call of Cthulu (if they ever restart it, I have tried a few games, but the price tag, like AGoT is a little daunting)

Never played Lord of the Rings, and I think I played Warhammer Invasion once.

Just Legend of the Five Rings, so I guess the answer is 0 until 2017? :)

Netrunner (100%) and Game of Thrones 2.0 (100%). I have some Star Wards cards, but I'm on the process of getting rid of them.

I was thinking really hard about getting into Call of Cthulhu or Warhammer Conquest, but have managed restraining myself so far.

As a long-time L5R player, I'll go into L5R LCG 100% of course !

Edited by Katsutoshi

0 until the L5R one drops. Not really an LCG guy.

0 until the L5R one drops. Not really an LCG guy.

Same for me.

Only Doomtown: Reloaded if it counts.

I've at least dabbled in all of the current ones, with the exception of Conquest. And My AGoT days were long, long ago. Like pre-LCG. Played ANR quite a bit early in its life, and played Star Wars from launch until the Scum/Jedi box.

Played Doomtown heavily until recently, if that counts. Also picked up VS. when it relaunched.

L5R will be my only one. I might look at GoT, but that'd be almost as much to see what FFG does with games as much as because I like the franchise. I've never played a FF game to my knowledge.

I only follow Netrunner right now. Had a passing interest in Star Wars but the aPod idea put me off.

I only follow Netrunner right now. Had a passing interest in Star Wars but the aPod idea put me off.

And here I was about to suggest that adding a personality to your dynasty could add a selection of his retainers, equipment, and uh...habits? (action cards) to your Fate deck. And maybe even a holding to dynasty. Kidding! I wasn't going to suggest it, but now that you mention it...

I really liked the Pod system, in part as a departure from the saminess of "good card? 3x/4x" deckbuilding in almost every other game of this type, but I recognize it wasn't to everyone's taste. :)

Actually, Conquest kinda uses a version of this with your Warlord's retinue. I wonder if something like that might work for L5R, without going into full bore Pod Building.

I own/play Netrunner (for the old times) and Lord of the Rings (because of solitaire mode) but follow/read all the LCG news and will do the same with L5R (since i have a couple of friends who play the CCG).

I like the Star Wars mechanics but buying two LCG (and also Armada and Imperial Assault) is more than enough.

I must say that L5R has the "flavour" of AGoT (oriental instead of european middle ages) :D

Edit= I was joking with that last statement but thinking again AGoT could easily be L5R with only changing art/names and a couple of new mechanics addded.

Edited by Kentares

AGOT and LOTR to kill time until L5R drops.

Star Wars: The Card Game. I usually end up waiting until a cycle is complete before buying any packs, so i don't have any of the most recent cycle but plan to pick it up eventually. I have the rest of the cards.

So for me, it's just 1 LCG.

I did get through the first cycle and first deluxe expansion of The Lord of the Rings, but I eventually sold it because the game got too difficult for me.

Currently Follow:

Doomtown Reloaded



AGoT 2.0 (I know it's not out, but I will be buying it)

L5R (same as above)

Call of Cthulhu

Have a small collection but don't keep up:

Warhammer 40K

Star Wars

Would LOVE to play if they ever come out:

7th Sea


Short answer: To Many.

Long answer:

Playing/suported :



40k Conquest

Playing/No longer suported:

Warhammer Invasion

No longer playing/suported:


Star wars


AGoT 2nd ed.


Non-FFG products:

DoomTown Reloaded ( starter set only.)



Edited by Robin Graves

Just L5R, I plan to watch as it develops. Other than that, none.

Just LotR, but I have every product of that. Will go into any solo/coop one, but have no community play competitive ones.

Am I the only one to feel like a lot and a lot less thrilled by AGOT 2 because of L5R ?

I just can't help but feel like AGOT will only be here to fill the space between now and L5R. (I will probably still play AGOT after L5R is released, but all my attention will go to L5R)...

Edited by Katsutoshi

Am I the only one to feel like a lot and a lot less thrilled by AGOT 2 because of L5R ?

I just can't help but feel like AGOT will only be here to fill the space between now and L5R. (I will probably still play AGOT after L5R is released, but all my attention will go to L5R)...

I'm looking at picking it up, but there is definitely some bittersweetness to it.

I used to follow AGoT, SW and LotR,

but these days I'm Netrunner and Doomtown Reloaded (not an LCG, but similar release style).

Actually really excited about the L5R LCG.

-AGoT was dropped with the announcement of 2nd edition, though I still play (just don't buy the odd missing cycle like I used to) My collection ended with 3 Cores, all big boxes and 5 cycles of cards.

-I dropped Star Wars during that odd period after the first big box expansion where basically nothing was being released and no info was being given on new products. It was around that time the community I helped build got fed up with the card pool and went all in Netrunner. So I sold my collection last year.

-LotR I stopped because the Co-Op game wasn't hitting the table as often as I would have liked.

-Netrunner I almost stopped because of a huge lack of story tying the cards together. There's plenty THEME to Netrunner and amazing gameplay, I was just blown away by the narrative that Doomtown Reloaded was basing itself around. However, the Netrunner 5th Cycle really re-ignited my interest and my local players have been coming back recently in huge numbers so I couldn't be happier with the game (barely played a single game during cycle 3, but kept buying the expansions).

Edited by Internutt

Am I the only one to feel like a lot and a lot less thrilled by AGOT 2 because of L5R ?

I just can't help but feel like AGOT will only be here to fill the space between now and L5R. (I will probably still play AGOT after L5R is released, but all my attention will go to L5R)...

You're not alone... still, it's AGoT, so, I won't be dropping the line, but I'm afraid it will be played a lot less once L5R is out

Like a few others, I'm torn between AGoT 2nd and L5R.

I'm buying into:

Netrunner, Doomtown, SW RPG and Imperial Assault right now, so my main board gaming budget is spoken for until Christmas.

I love AGoT LCG, so the revamp has my excited. However, I have one group of friends wanting me to get into 40K Conquest at the moment (even if I just buy the Tyranid pack) and I think I would rather wait for L5R to be released and buy 3 Cores at launch for a full play set (assuming that will be required, hopefully will be so we have a large card pool at launch). Rather than buying into a game that I'm not terribly keen on.

As for AGoT 2nd, I will most likely wait for the first deluxe expansion announcement to see just how the future of the game looks. My friends are mixed between Conquest, Doomtown and Netrunner, but we all loved AGoT and played it regularly for around 3 years.

Down to one, for the moment.

I keep up with Netrunner, as we have a fairly good playgroup in my area.

I am likely dropping Star Wars. Just not a big fan of where the design is going. Like the next big box, but nothing from the next cycle has excited me, and I haven't even bought all of the current cycle. Started to get into AGOT 1.0, but dropped it with the announcement of Star Wars and Netrunner (which much like L5R, knew of, but never played in the CCG format). I still keep an eye on AGOT, and sort of watching how 2.0 develops. It's a good game, but there were issues I had with it when I first started to get into it. 2.0 seems to have been a great relaunch, but not jumping in just yet.