What about the L5R RPG and other L5R products?

By Galdred, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I would like something more accessible than some rpg clan forums which aren't always nice to new people. For posting here, the file is 26 pages long and only two chapters have been finished. It would take many many posts to be posted here. if it is even allowed to post such work here.

Yeah, I won't lie. My suggestion isn't ideal Okuma. This board and the clan boards aren't 'perfect' alternatives, but AEG's closed down those alternatives for now, so it's what we've got. I wish you luck either way.

Alderac Entertainment has made it pretty clear that it will be doing minimal, if any support while FFG is building. Asking for FFG to support the product line of a competitor's title that they have only now purchased isn't necessarily logical business sense, and one would never expect for this to be done, because it generally is not done in the industry. Period.

Honestly, the one who has dropped the ball here is my former employer on this one, and I would not pin any of this on FFG. AEG has intentionally closed out its board and closed down any direct connection with a product line of 20 years. Yes, part of this is almost certainly related to negotiations and FFG wanting to be sure that its intellectual property as purchased is protected, but a very large part of this is that AEG simply chose to close down the boards.

I do agree with you on this, but this is the #1 reason why I'm not particularly happy about FFG buying L5R, and not particularly hopeful for the future of the game I came to love.

Also - I know the LCG is expected to bring the brunt of the L5R-related revenue for the company, but if they expected to retain part of AEG's RPG sales, I believe actually making an effort to keep some support up for the last edition of the game they purchased (since the game's former owner isn't doing any...) would go a long way.

Once again, I'll only try and keep my hopes up that AEG will give us back at least the archives of the old forums.

Edited by thimacek

Sent in a question to FFG's customer service regarding the L5R RPG. Here is the reply I received today:

We do have plans to roll out Legend of the Five Rings property in to a role playing format. As our forums are tied to games, and to date the, the only thing we’ve announced so far is a Living Card Game, that four is the ‘official’ home.

Legend of the Five Rings Forum: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/forum/456-legend-of-the-five-rings-the-card-game/

I hope that helps!


Kalar Komarec

Fantasy Flight Games Customer Service Team

[email protected]

Nice of them to reply with some information rather than what I would expect; no info and wait and see style comment.

Really nice to see they value the RPG, I think this indicates to me they will also put a lot of effort into storytelling, which is encouraging.

On another note, last night a buddy of mine showed me the star wars board game that is basically a skin of Descent. The thought of an L5R version of this just makes me drool.

I know that the hiatus is difficult to take until 2017, but in the long term, if FFG spin off the ip to other types of gaming, it will be completely worth the wait.

I am new to FFGs forums, will they respond to players questions here? I don't see (perhaps I need to go through all of the posts) a reply about the future possibilities for FFG to produce L5R RPG products?

I am new to FFGs forums, will they respond to players questions here?

FFG doesn't post to these forums, with very rare exception. It's almost never in response to specific questions.