I'd want FFG to keep three things intact from AEG L5R: the dual deck situation of dynasty and fate, the different Strongholds, and the five victory conditions (military, honor, dishonor, rings, and miscellaneous). Miscellaneous victory conditions are those wonderful things like Fudo, the Walls of Otosan Uchi, and so on.
So Excited
I'd want FFG to keep three things intact from AEG L5R: the dual deck situation of dynasty and fate, the different Strongholds, and the five victory conditions (military, honor, dishonor, rings, and miscellaneous). Miscellaneous victory conditions are those wonderful things like Fudo, the Walls of Otosan Uchi, and so on.
I would like if they could make it that the game becomes playable as 30/30 decks again, and would not mind if they dropm the dishonour victory (which is not really a victory condition, but a lose condition).
Best gaming news had in 2015 so far for me! I'm so friggin' psyched!
Whelp, there goes all the money I haven't earmarked to Armada in 2017.
Me eagerly yet cautiously look forward to see this new version of game.
So happy with this move. FFG has my favorite board game and their Star Wars RPG is fantastic. If they can bring this excellence to the L5R brand, it's in good hands.
I wonder if they will still invest in a big metaplot with storylines. It wouldn't be L5R without that. I could live with a reboot though, over the years some developments were more sensible than others