Organized Play in San Diego

By DJSuckapunch, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

I'm a returning player who is interested in getting back in the game for second edition. I played in New York three or so years ago but couldn't follow the game after the move out west. Now that the second edition is releasing I feel like it's a perfect time to rekindle my love. Unfortunately, the only listing I can find for any sort of meet up in San Diego is at a place that held events way back in January.

Is there a SoCal community? And if so, where and when is it?



These forums aren't the best place for exposure to a lot of the online community anymore. You are better off inquiring at or

There is definitely a SoCal community, but I don't have the references you are looking for which is why I figured I'd give you those websites to check out and ask there.

Best of luck!

Thanks bud!