Battlelore Game Mat

By privateer4hire, in BattleLore

This weekend I got to play Battlelore at the FLGS using the amazing demo mat that comes with the undead preview at Curious Games in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

The mat looks like it's silk-screened (I'm not sure of the printing process) on to a thin mouse-pad like mat.It has great art, the full board and outlines for all the decks and reference cards you'll need to play.

It also has a turn sequence summary printed on each player's side to help keep the game moving---helpful when you're new especially.

Everyone who stopped by for the demo commented on how nice the mat looked and we two demonstrators were convinced we'd pick up mats if they were available commercially.

Once the demo season is over, we're hoping FFG produces these en masse and offers them for sale to customers (since the demo ones are most definitely not available for resale).

Did you have to send the mats back to FFG after the demo? I'll be helping with a demo in Washington state and was hoping they'd be a thank you gift.

The store purchased the kit and I think they're fairly pricey to just give away (if that's even allowed).

It will be used as an in-store demo set is my understanding.

The set came with the core starter set (we didn't use it because we had our own stuff except for the Undead cards/models).

The kit had stickers saying it was NOT FOR RESALE. The only thing listed as give-away were the promo cards, one for each participant.

Definitely would be nice if FFG did produce the play mats for the public. They are much better than the board plus can place the various helper cards. So hopefully this might come about!!

My regular opponent asked them about it while communicating about missing pieces replacement. The FFG rep said there were no plans to make these available :(

Does anyone know if the scenario will be available (online or otherwise)?

I ran the event for my LGS. The kit the store received did not come with a special scenario. We just ran games for the afternoon. I know the news said there was a scenario.