My NPC Sheet

By Commediante, in Only War Game Masters

Hi! I made this to make my life as GM easier. There you go:

It's an NPC's profile restricted to only the most useful features. There are it's characteristics, movement distances, name, place for three actions or action combos for that NPC, for Toughness Bonus and Armor Rating.

Below you can write down it's weapon's characteristics. Next you have three blank lines for aditional notes. I usually write there only most useful skills and their levels with characteristics already added. For example: if an NPC has 57 Agi and Dodge +10, I just write there Dodge(0)=67. I also write there down the most useful talents and the page in codex they're on. The last things are six wound lines, one for each npc (or two for an npc if it is tougher). I use them by making a mark in place where the npc's wounds "end". Every square counts for two wounds. So I'd mark 12 wound NPC after 6th square. I mark wounds by making diagonal lines inside (two for each square, one for each wound).

On the right there's some place for npc's initiative, marking special weapon carriers and misc. effects npcs are under (usually coming from critical injuries).

This sheet is good to keep track on multiple npcs at a time counting each and every of their wounds without effort. My record was 8, but I'm planning to try 12 and then even more.

You can of course copy it and use it, or even give it some graphic design if you wish. Don't forget to share ;)