Why keep aptitudes in DH2 ?

By Bilateralrope, in Dark Heresy House Rules

The aptitude system is unbalanced. This has been mentioned a couple of times by now, no one disagrees.

The flawed system is a problem for NEW players, because it adds work to the GM who has to come up solutions to make it fun for everyone, i.e. minimize the consequences of game-mechanical imbalances between the players. This might be easy for experienced GMs, but it is hard for new GMs.

However, Dark Heresy is full of archetypes so we do need a system to guide new players in terms of how to nudge them in the right direction given the archetype they are playing. In other words simply scrapping the system is detrimental for new players.

So I think that FFG should give the aptitude system some more thought. Realistically the imbalance could be solved simply by having new DH2 books working actively on improving the balance between the aptitudes. Maybe a few errata changes are needed too.

I've been waiting for someone to say that on the aptitude end for a while. Thank you.

I didn't say that about aptitudes. I've said that about every and any kind of character development which includes modifying stats.


Here are my major thoughts on Aptitudes

1. More bookkeeping, you have to make a note of which skills are "Cheap/Medium/Expensive", ditto for Stats and then you have to price out talents, which gets annoying

2. People have already mentioned how some aptitudes are better than others, but some are pretty much "trap" ones, like tech (unless you are a tech-priest)

3. One solution we found in our group was make sure everyone has 8 aptitudes (becuase psykers get 8), to even out the field a bit, that has seemed to help out so far

4. Some talent/skill requirements don't seem to make much sense, like the requirements for Ambidextrous (BS and WS? What do they have to do with being adept in both hands?)

I also find aptitudes more trouble than they're worth. They could be easily replaced by optional starter packages that combine homeworlds, backgrounds, and roles into a neat niches for new players. The characters could then grow organically through the main classless system. In addition, the tidbits from the homeworlds, backgrounds, and roles should be quantified i.e. have an XP cost for balance (I'm looking at you voidborn).