"Pre-assembled" skirmish maps

By ibsh, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I wish we could order from the other offices. I even said to them in an email that I would pay for shipping but no luck. Just hope that they get in other vinyl that will work better at some point. I keep trying to find another printer that is just as inexpensive and better looking vinyl. Have not found another printer yet.

Did something change within their company? I ordered my last set of maps back in February and they were shipped from Italy but I couldn't find anyway to order from the same place this time. It was definitely the .com that I ordered from as they have my previous order saved in my account. I couldn't log into the international sites with my UN/PW.

I wish we could order from the other offices. I even said to them in an email that I would pay for shipping but no luck. Just hope that they get in other vinyl that will work better at some point. I keep trying to find another printer that is just as inexpensive and better looking vinyl. Have not found another printer yet.

Did something change within their company? I ordered my last set of maps back in February and they were shipped from Italy but I couldn't find anyway to order from the same place this time. It was definitely the .com that I ordered from as they have my previous order saved in my account. I couldn't log into the international sites with my UN/PW.

I'm pretty sure they ended up finding a local (US) printing facility or opened their own. I ordered classic vinyl stuff from them a ton and then a couple months ago a shipment came to me from Colorado and I was like wait what? And since its been the outdoor vinyl and from Colorado. It works fine. Looks ok (not quite as crisp and bright as the older stuff) but it's still a heck of a deal! Can't be beat! Especially half off :) I have one of every map and two-three of every tourney map. And I've spent less than $80 total probably.

Yes it is still a really good deal when it is half off. I would just pay the shipping cost to get it on the better looking vinyl. I had to adjust the brightness and contrast to get the individual grid lines to show up. Still working on what is the best setting for it. Got different settings coming in soon.

Yes it is still a really good deal when it is half off. I would just pay the shipping cost to get it on the better looking vinyl. I had to adjust the brightness and contrast to get the individual grid lines to show up. Still working on what is the best setting for it. Got different settings coming in soon.

Edited by nickv2002

I tried to buy from the EU store too this but they use your IP to redirect you to the US site. Maybe you could do it with some kind of VPN? Anyone had any success with ordering from the EU store from the US?

Don't think that will work. When I emailed their support asking if I could order the extreme classic from the EU and have it shipped to the US, they said they try to print "locally." I even if you VPN'd, I assume that once they realize they're shipping to the US, they'll print in the US, too.

Yes it is still a really good deal when it is half off. I would just pay the shipping cost to get it on the better looking vinyl. I had to adjust the brightness and contrast to get the individual grid lines to show up. Still working on what is the best setting for it. Got different settings coming in soon.

I've already ordered my new maps without realizing I was getting outdoor vs extreme vinyl. Will we be able to see the grid lines without the settings adjustments you are talking about?

Yes it is still a really good deal when it is half off. I would just pay the shipping cost to get it on the better looking vinyl. I had to adjust the brightness and contrast to get the individual grid lines to show up. Still working on what is the best setting for it. Got different settings coming in soon.

I've already ordered my new maps without realizing I was getting outdoor vs extreme vinyl. Will we be able to see the grid lines without the settings adjustments you are talking about?

Yeah you will but in the darker areas it will be a little more difficult to see them. That is why with the maps I printed I am experimenting on a brightness/contrast setting to see what would work. I will post the setting that will work once I find one. I am hoping to get the maps in this week. If I get them before I go away this coming weekend I will post the setting and show it with a picture between the old one and new one.

I got all 32 of the maps delivered yesterday. Actually took a while to get them all unpacked and cut up individually. I'm in the USA so I got Outdoor Vinyl instead of Extreme Classic so they don't look as good as the European ones but it still looks awesome for about $1.25 per map! Super useful and will save me lots of time setting up in the long run.

I created a small Imgur gallery showing some pictures of the maps and my figures . I hope to add more soon as I get a chance to play with different maps. Here's one to start:


Side note: you can still order these for the 50% off through Aug 28th (which works out to about $1.25 per map) if you choose the slower delivery option. Get your order in soon because it will probably be a few months until the prices are this cheap again!

Thanks again to Ibsh and everyone else who has contributed tips for getting these printed!

Edited by nickv2002

I get mine today. I have three different brightness and contrast settings I tested. Will post a picture and setting to use in photoshop once I check them out. Won't be till sometime this weekend.

I'd like to offer a sincere thanks to NickV2002 and supersayian for their efforts on this. NickV2002, that picture makes the Outdoor Vinyl look amazing.

Is there any chance either of you could upload the pdf's you used on the site (or am I doing it wrong as it asks me to convert my jpg's to pdf and submit that)? I'm not very good with such things and I don't have a pdf editor. Thanks again and in advance.

Is there any chance either of you could upload the pdf's you used on the site (or am I doing it wrong as it asks me to convert my jpg's to pdf and submit that)? I'm not very good with such things and I don't have a pdf editor. Thanks again and in advance.



It will accept these 300 DPI JPGs rather than PDFs, that's how I ordered mine.

Edited by nickv2002

I ordered the 3 tournament maps last Friday with your help for a grand total of $4.88. Basically the same as a drink from Starbucks. I ordered Friday, did the slow delivery option to here in Kentucky, and got them on Tuesday. I LOVE the quality. I was skeptical after only paying $4.88, but man, this will make playing more Skirmish games so much easier. THANK YOU!

I ordered a banner sized image based on this:

Print on pixartprinting.com or international sites
Use Extreme Classic PVC (best option) outside of the US or Outdoor Vinyl in the USA

For all maps download: 141.4 MB ZIP Download
Print map_group_1.jpg (on pixartprinting.com) at 105.0 inches wide by 24.0 inches tall (266.7 by 60.96 cm)

I selected all the correct options, the size turned out to be correct but this is what they look like: http://imgur.com/75A0ADt

What went wrong :(

What went wrong :(

Yes, I received something exactly like that. I contacted with them and they reprinted it with no cost (shipping included). I am waiting now for the copy. I hope it will be ok this time.

Edited by gran_orco

WOW! I would call them also. I got my order today should have a picture here in a few days with the difference between the first printing and the new ones that I got.

I'v contacted them with pictures of my print, hopefully I'll get a positive response next week.

I'v contacted them with pictures of my print, hopefully I'll get a positive response next week.

Or maybe one hour, like me ;)

Here is a photo of the new maps that I got done. The one on the left was with no brightness and contrast changes. The one on the right is with a brightness of +30 and a contrast of +50. Might need to be increased a little more but that is a real good start. Sorry for the bad photo quality from my phone.


ibsh, Bespin Tibanna Facility's mini map is missing one Tibanna Gas Reserve (next to the freezer).

I ordered a banner sized image based on this:

Print on pixartprinting.com or international sites

Use Extreme Classic PVC (best option) outside of the US or Outdoor Vinyl in the USA

For all maps download: 141.4 MB ZIP Download

Print map_group_1.jpg (on pixartprinting.com) at 105.0 inches wide by 24.0 inches tall (266.7 by 60.96 cm)

I selected all the correct options, the size turned out to be correct but this is what they look like: http://imgur.com/75A0ADt

What went wrong :(

Yes, I received something exactly like that. I contacted with them and they reprinted it with no cost (shipping included). I am waiting now for the copy. I hope it will be ok this time.

I have received the "23_24 maps" for second time . Same error from pixartprinting. I am wondering if this is only their problem... :wacko:

I ordered a banner sized image based on this:

Print on pixartprinting.com or international sites

Use Extreme Classic PVC (best option) outside of the US or Outdoor Vinyl in the USA

For all maps download: 141.4 MB ZIP Download

Print map_group_1.jpg (on pixartprinting.com) at 105.0 inches wide by 24.0 inches tall (266.7 by 60.96 cm)

I selected all the correct options, the size turned out to be correct but this is what they look like: http://imgur.com/75A0ADt

What went wrong :(

Yes, I received something exactly like that. I contacted with them and they reprinted it with no cost (shipping included). I am waiting now for the copy. I hope it will be ok this time.

I have received the "23_24 maps" for second time . Same error from pixartprinting. I am wondering if this is only their problem... :wacko:

I haven't heard back from them yet, but urgh.

ibsh, Bespin Tibanna Facility's mini map is missing one Tibanna Gas Reserve (next to the freezer).

Oh balls. Good catch. V busy at the minute but will fix.

ugh, and I was just considering ordering!!!

I guess I will wait until I hear if they are still having issues or not!

Here is a photo of the new maps that I got done. The one on the left was with no brightness and contrast changes. The one on the right is with a brightness of +30 and a contrast of +50. Might need to be increased a little more but that is a real good start. Sorry for the bad photo quality from my phone.


Did you make the changes in a photo editor or is it possible to do via pixelart's website?
