Graver Art

By graver2, in Fan Art

Not only is your artwork great but your characters are just as interesting! Keep it up. :]

Gob well done on the art work.

more, MORE, MO ROAR!

WOW sorpresa.gif makes my art look (bleep) in comparison!


I must say your work is amazing. I am jealous and in awe at the same time. What did you use to create these? (painting, photoshop, etc.) And just a wierd question, what would you say the average time per piece took you?

awesome stuff

Lovely work mate. It's the details that I love. Everywhere your eye roams, it is rewarded with your careful complex brush strokes. I also like the compositions, like something the characters in the painting would commission for themselves - except perhaps for the first one. Keep up the good work and get yourself a Cintiq, it will change your life. :)

new to the forum and... Whouaw, astonishing.

If you have the time, don't forget your fans ;)