Replacement Card

By chemical22, in Talisman

Hey Guys,

Is there a place around here that has the fronts and backs of the cards scanned/printed?

My dog made lunch of a Bog Terrain and the Shattered Worlds Sixth Omen. :(

While the bog is just going to be a write off, I think I can create and print out the Omen card since there is no random draw factor to it.

Edited by chemical22

ahhh no!!! Sorry to hear that buddy! :( What a shame, I hope you told that dog what for!!! :lol: One thing chewing up thousands of £$£$ on furniture...But the dog needs to know boundaries! Not the Talisman cards!!! :lol:

My advice to you would be to hope that the new Strange Eons Plugin currently in development will come out with Harbinger included. You could easily make the Omen card on that providing it has the features. Otherwise Some good old fashioned Scanning in can save you. As for a place online to download from I believe that is a big no no around here. Copyright reasons and all that. I personally would LOVE to have a complete achieved set online...I'd still always but everything that was ever released for it hands down.

If you don't get sorted I can scan in the missing two cards for you and send them over to ya...I'm sure we can do that....surely....PM me ;) :lol:

You've been messaged. Thank you.

Jacky suggested that I should post this. Lets all please take a moment of silence for the loss...


Edited by chemical22

such a shame. They were taken from us in the prime of their lives. Send my condolences to their familes

rest now sweet prince


such a shame. They were taken from us in the prime of their lives. Send my condolences to their familes

rest now sweet prince


Shattered World Omens 1-5 are taking it pretty hard. Omen 7 couldn't care less since the world is over anyways. He's always been the black sheep of the family.

I'd still try and contact FFG and see if they can help.

I know they now say that they can't help with components that were damaged after purchase, but they have done in the past.

It's worth a shot for the comedy value of attaching that photo to the claim. There's no denying that it is a genuine case!

Please try it Chemical22. Explain that you are avid fan who buys all the expansions as soon as they are released and that you are a member of the online community etc etc

I want to see how FFG react to your cause. It would be lovely to hear that they have helped you, cementing in my heart that they are not another GW and that they do truly care about their fans/customers and target market :)

Be sure to post all correspondence up here for the whole community to never know that might even help things work in your favour somewhat ;) :lol:

Good luck!

I'll give it a whirl. I've heard good things about their customer service. I'll be sure to include my smug dog after her meal...

Here is my email. I'll let you know how it goes.



I’m an active member in the forum community for Talisman and I thought I would give this request a whirl, because I’ve been told about what great customer service Fantasy Flight has.

Let me explain...

On a very dark day last week in Canada, a travesty occurred.

We began with what appeared to be a typical massive 6 player, 6 hour game of Talisman. Most expansions were on the board and the drinks were pouring and the friendly insults were flying. The lowly Merchant was amassing a fortune in gold… buying his way to swift victory, only to be defeated by the Conjurer right at the end by a ping to the head by the Crown of Command. I lost that game…. but that is not the travesty.

We packed up for the night, telling tall tales of the adventure just passed - when two lonely cards slipped away and made their way onto the cold floor. Admittedly, my otherwise keen 1 AM vision was poor - so there the cards rested until daybreak.

In the morning I awoke to my wife’s echoing shouts…. “Did you leave something out last night?!!”

Startled, I ran down as fast as my feet could carry me. I glanced on the couch and saw it. I nearly shed a tear…

There sitting on the couch, were the tattered remnants of a Bog Terrain Card and the Shattered Worlds 6th omen. Just feet away, was the smug jackle-like smile of our beloved dog, Princess Leia.

I mourned.

I’ve attached proof of this horrible Event. It appears the Harbinger visited us that night.

While I understand it is not your policy to replace damaged goods after purchase, I thought I would try to see if the makers would see mercy on my soul and replace the missing cards, so that once again, I will be able to love my dog without endlessly recounting this tragic night.

Again - it is one Bog Terrain and the Shattered World 6th Omen.

I appreciate your consideration and I hope to hear from you :) Regardless, I look forward to years more of enjoyment from your outstanding products!


Edited by chemical22

An informative and emotional read. Fingers crossed for you buddy :)

Well hey, we can't take everything in life seriously right? :)

Awesome thread, good luck.

I'm happy to report that Fantasy Flight has graciously decided to send me the replacements. Very awesome of them!



Hats off to FFG; it would appear they appreciate their customer base. Very glad to hear that your harbinger expansion will soon once again be complete :)

Think i'll go buy something from FFG now ;) :lol:

That's good news! Sure, they can't have a formal policy that they will replace things damaged after purchase, but unofficially their actions are great. What helped, I'm sure, is your awesome letter/message recounting the nights events. I wonder if they would have been less inclined to replace them if you just said -- "hey, my dog ate my cards ... can i get a replacement?" I know I would have appreciated the extra effort with the message, even told my co-workers about it, and rewarded you for the effort as well. Congrats!