Free ordnance overview sheet for you

By IG88E, in X-Wing

In times of extra munition and several ordnance slots it´s also helpful to make notes on the sheet, like a check list how many missiles etc still left in the opponent ship ;)

You might add four little circles or check boxes next to each one that a person could fill in as their opponent fired something.

IG88E, great work! Can I share this in our Facebook groups here?

Great reference.

I don't like having them sorted by cost however. If your supposed to be using it as a reference during gameplay then it should be alphabetical since it is the name of the upgrade that your going to be looking for.

Also agree that the range symbol looks off. The cards themselves have a way to notate range restrictions, why not use that?

In times of extra munition and several ordnance slots it´s also helpful to make notes on the sheet, like a check list how many missiles etc still left in the opponent ship ;)

You might add four little circles or check boxes next to each one that a person could fill in as their opponent fired something.

I thought to include a checklist for the next version.

Great reference.

I don't like having them sorted by cost however. If your supposed to be using it as a reference during gameplay then it should be alphabetical since it is the name of the upgrade that your going to be looking for.

Also agree that the range symbol looks off. The cards themselves have a way to notate range restrictions, why not use that?

Thank you for the comments. I tried before with the original card "icon" (attached below), but it looked improper to the rest of the scheme and layout. Maybe I find something else in the next days to replace (although I think it´s a matter of getting used to it ;) )


IG88E, great work! Can I share this in our Facebook groups here?

Thank you! Of course you can spread it ;)

Edited by IG88E

Thanks! This is quite lovely.

Thank you nice to hear

I have been wondering if FFG was going to have something like this in the speculated updated I don't have to! Many thanks.

Great resource! I added it to the pinned thread.

Great resource! I added it to the pinned thread.

Thank you, much appreciated


[i tried before with the original card "icon" (attached below), but it looked improper to the rest of the scheme and layout.


I would suggest not using the box or black background, just the double arrows and dot above the range values on the same background you already have.

Great reference.

I don't like having them sorted by cost however. If your supposed to be using it as a reference during gameplay then it should be alphabetical since it is the name of the upgrade that your going to be looking for.

Also agree that the range symbol looks off. The cards themselves have a way to notate range restrictions, why not use that?

I didn't even think of using it as a reference during game play. To me, I would use this mostly for squad building, hence my request for a cost-sorted list.

Fixed it for ya :P

HeavyLaser.png mangler-cannon.png ion-cannon.png TWIN-LASER-TURRET-194x300.png

Come on we all know Extra munitions won't bring any bombs missiles or torpedo upgrades to regionals. The Twin Laser Turret is the champion of Wave 7 and it is going to show all players why the only thing you put into those three slots are Chardaan Refits. ;)

Nice QRS by the way. Maybe you should expand it to all secondary weapons. :)

Edited by Marinealver

I just flew Captain Jonus and 3 scimitar bombers w/ extra munitions, the prockets are brutal on scimitars. The other ordinance had a harder time getting off due to range restrictions and actions, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Nice job. and you have enough room for the thermal detonator when wave 8 comes out.

I used ordinance for the first time in a local tournament.

What a mistake .

I did not realize that by spending your ordinance your actually throwing away all the points you have in it as well due to the way the points are tallied.

So ordinance is extremely unreliable and also you will flat out lose any points you have in it.

What a useless piece of garbage in a tournament setting . Using a HLC or something makes way way more sense. And you are not punished for using the HLC.

In casual play no problem of course, as there is no built in punishment mechanism for using ordinance.

I used ordinance for the first time in a local tournament.

What a mistake .

I did not realize that by spending your ordinance your actually throwing away all the points you have in it as well due to the way the points are tallied.

So ordinance is extremely unreliable and also you will flat out lose any points you have in it.

What a useless piece of garbage in a tournament setting . Using a HLC or something makes way way more sense. And you are not punished for using the HLC.

In casual play no problem of course, as there is no built in punishment mechanism for using ordinance.

That's not the way it works. You only lose points for ordinance if the ship caring the ordinance is destroyed.

Edited by w1ndst0rm

Nicely done. Gets you a wonderful overview of how broken ordnance is.