new player looking for advice.

By urban legend, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Hi everyone, i am fresh into netrunner and i am getting rocked game after game! i have been trying to put together decks but no matter what i do my opponents usually have the answers to what i am doing and it is getting very frustrating. i picked up the core set, honor and profit, a trace amount, what lies ahead, and cyber exodus. can someone point me in the right direction as far as a place that i can learn from and not just a website with decks for days that i wouldn't really know what do with at this stage of my playing. thank you for your advice in advance and thank you for replying.

The first recommendation I'd have is to get a second core set. Having two of those 1x cards and up to three of those 2x cards will be a big help for consistency.

Secondly, the way the game actually operates is sometimes not obvious--like for example, there's a big difference between a piece of ice like Neural Katana, versus Wall of Static, versus Ichi 1.0.

If you go on Reddit's r/netrunner community, there's a series of posts called "How To Beat ________" covering popular deck archetypes. I believe they have some new player resources stickied as well.

This is a pretty huge question. How experienced are your opponents? Experience and card knowledge goes a long way. What style of play do you prefer? That will heavily influence your faction and deckbuilding. What's the local metagame like?

That said, there are some solid fundamentals that can be broadly applied. stimhack has some very good strategy articles (that link is specifically for those aimed at new players; depending on how fast you assimilate you might find the others useful too). has some now very dated articles, but the basics of them still hold true even if the specific cards being called out aren't as relevant.

Other than that, keep playing, expect to lost a fair bit yet - but ask your opponents where you can improve your plays. Some things are so well understood in the larger metagame now as to be common knowledge, and it's easy to forget that new players learning the game don't have that shared knowledge yet, so tap into it in the most direct way you can.

Edited by CommissarFeesh