question on advancment

By King Yertle, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Several Public objective cards require Various Technology Advances.

Example: Stage 1 I have 3 Technology Advances of the same color.

My question is simply thus, Do starting Techs count twords Objectives like the aforementioned example.

It seems intuitive that they would, and yet I recall a faq (which has evaded me) which excludes the staring techs of the Jol-Nar.

Yes, they count. Once you have a tech, there really isn't anything to distinguish it from any other.

Dont know what your remembering.

Yes, they count.

Yes, starting technologies count.

You're probably thinking of the Jol-Nar representative Ta Zern, who gives bonus votes equal to the number of techs researched and excludes starting techs (page 15 of the FAQ).

Yes that was it! That was it precisely! Thank you MMity. I tip my hat to you.