Can't establish secure connection

By TenuousGrip, in The FFG Website

Greetings all,

I'm having an issue with FFG's website, and judging by the lack of complaints I'm seeing on the forum, I'm thinking I might be the only one… Here is the problem.

I can connect to and view as normal anything from FFG's domain, but that's it. Trying to view the News, Products, Upcoming, Store, About, or More domains gives me this error (changing /en/news for the appropriate section):

Safari can't open the page "" because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server "".

I get a different error when trying to connect using Firefox on a completely different computer (though one connecting to the internet through a shared router), but the issue still remains -- I cannot connect to FFG's site. This machine I'm using right now is running Mac OS X 10.8.5 with Safari 6.2.7.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on? I think the issue started a week or so ago, if that helps narrow down the problem (I wasn't able to post earlier about this due to traveling). I appreciate any help anyone can offer!

I'm having the exact same problem, been about a week and is driving me crazy.

I live in the UK if that helps. I can get into the community pages by searching on google, but cant access the website direct or view the product pages.

I can also access the online store

Trying to access the news or products pages it says cant establish a connection.

Has to be on the websites end of things

I am having the exact same "secure connection" error but only on Safari.

The website comes up fine on Firefox and on Chrome.

Only Safari is blocking the connection.

It's a disaster, it started yesterdag, I can only access the website in the morning, rest of the day it is impossible (using safari and/or explorer)

Secure connection failed for about a week. Only happening at FFG. Firefox.

Ditto. Very frustrating because I have just got the Raider and reading in multiple posts about errata for the huge ships but I can't get to the support section to download the lastest rules or FAQ.

Does anyone have an email address for the webmaster? It seems pretty clear they're not reading the forum, so unless we reach out directly I don't think anything will get done.

I was going to report on the Support page but I can't freaking access it. In fact, I can ONLY access the forums. It's been 2 weeks now. I need to order replacement parts and I really like to read the news and articles.

I, too, am having this issues with some computers but not others. Browser doesn't matter, Chrome, Firefox, and IE....none will pull up FFG's main website, only the community forums.

I have contacted FFG directly about this. Customer support replied to say they would be looking into it, but since this is a long holiday weekend in the United States the earliest I think we'd see any improvement is Tuesday, though we could hope for a resolution by next week's end. Please note that they didn't give me any timeline, this is just conjecture on my part.

Still no change.

I've gotten a reply from FFG, and I've replied to that reply with more questions (and am waiting on a response), but it seems to boil down to a problem on our end, according to FFG. I'll make a post with more detail so everyone affected knows what's going on, but in the meantime (I expect to compose the post on Monday or so, I want there to be enough time to give FFG a chance to answer my second round of questions), could folks post as to what they're using computer/browser– wise?

I'm running Mac OS X 10.8.5 with the latest version of Safari for that operating system, which is 6.2.8 (I upgraded since the first post, which hasn't helped anything).

Yes, the problem is definitely ours. Because, you know, out of a million different professional websites that I can look at only FFG's doesn't freaking work.

I forgot to say thank you for picking up the slack for the rest of us. It's appreciated, especially since the webmaster couldn't even be bothered to respond to anybody in this thread.

Well? I guess that's it then.

Same issue for me on both my phone and my home pc... and work pc is explorer...home is chrome

Same problem here. I can connect to the community forums with no problem. I'm running Mac OS X 10.8.5 with the latest version of Safari for that operating system, which is 6.2.8 and I'm located in Australia. I can access the site from my iPhone but not any PC - it's been like this for a few weeks. Out of the 5 people at our Star Wars gaming table 4 of us are having issues while the fifth doesn't use the site (I think).

Any thing further from FFG?

I thought it was just me! I have the same problem, but only from work. At home I can access it normaly. At work, nothing works: IE, Chrome or FF all report the same error. I am starting to suspect it has something to do with the proxy but not sure, nor can I approach Internal IT about it

I have recently bought the X-wing boardgame and when I tried to go to the website, using a galaxy smart phone, galaxy tablet & a mac computer & all say they can't make a 'secure connection', where as I used my girlfriend's I pad and was able to go to the website. Can anyone from the site offer any answers? Very annoying!!!

I doubt anything is going to get fixed until they do their next major update. Unless enough people come in here to complain. I'm pretty unimpressed by the silent treatment though. Even if they would pop in and say "sorry, there is nothing we can do about it right now" then I could live with it. But I can't access the faq's, parts replacement, news, or release schedules and it's just less money they're making from me. Pretty dumb for a business, even if it's only broken for 1%.

Yeah, I haven't been able to get to the site all week. I'm glad that FFG makes enough money that they don't need to keep their website running though.....That's good news.... I guess...

Same problem for me. Started 10 hours ago. I tried multiple devices and browsers.

I just hope it's because FFG is updating for a bunch of secret TFA products.

But it comes down to this: no response from FFG- bad web site support and someone is getting paid a nice salary to ignore this forum. :(

Yep having the problem. I am using a Samsung tablet.

Still having that problem :(